Hey Everyone,
First off, let me make this extremely clear, that this particular thread is not to bring insult or hurt to any group of people......it's more a search for UNDERSTANDING.
Here goes!
Growing up, I was taught (in so many different ways) that Biracial relationships are no good.
In my own experience, I learned that this in fact is truth. (At least my truth) It seems when two cultures come together in the unity, there will almost always be a dominating culture.
One person always seems to lose theirself, and become "Sell outs" to their own....while the other coasts along feeling "Superior" or rather the "winner"
The "sell out" when confronted by their own, (whether verbally or non-verbally) behave like they do not remember who they are, and where they are coming from..and to their own are just rather embarrassing.
The other "Superior thinking" one is almost smug around their partners people, and feel as though they can say whatever they feel in their prescence, because, well, i'm with one of yours........not knowing that this exceptance is almost never mutual.
And then the "sell out" can't find honor amongst their partners people, because they too see themselves as "Superior" because thats what their relative(through the union) is, and in turn they try to impose, or put their controlling ways on that other party............after all, their culture is better, right? Wrong.
Our cultures are what keep us unique. Special. The way God made us. He wouldn't make us all so different, if he didn't see purpose in it.
Now here is the touchy part. Kids from Biracial unions! I have seen it time and time again.
The parents "think" that they are embracing both cultures, but this could never be. Just like no man can serve two masters, the kids almost always cleave to one side, while the other gets ignored or very little attention. How unfair.
When the products of Biracial families are with one side, they behave accordingly, and when with the other side they behave accordingly too, making them seem confusing and outcasted.
So people say, what are you? They say I'm both, when in our hearts we all know that, on both sides collectively, "You are not one of mine"
So lets bring this into Christian perspective,
How does God feel about us mixing cultures through marriage. Did he like it then? Does he like it now? Why would his views change if it has? why are there so many churches that seem culturally segregated if racism isnt STILL amongst us? Believers or not.why do so many of us still experience racism within our church circles? If you don't believe this, begin to look deeply into your church congregation, and mark the leadership in comparison to the congregation.

For example, Could a White person feel comfortable in an exclusively Black church, and vis versa?
Honest folks respond please.
Don't try to respond what you think others want to hear or what is socially acceptable, I want to know your TRUTH.
I'll Start. I think fellowship with all people is righteous in God's sight, while were all here together, but mixing in marriage is a no for me. You end up with resentment on someones part, the kids are confused(I know this personally) and I believe it's the best way to raise family in wholeness, without unneccessary Hurt and confusion. There such a beauty within the different cultures, why would anyone want to change that?