If we are looking at the modern definition of Feminist, then no, it's not Biblical. However, Feminism was originally started on the basis of protecting women. Although, some of the founders of the original movement may have wanted women to be the head of house. But if you look at when it originally started, women where basically considered as nothing more then chattel (which is very much against what the Bible teaches). Not only that, many women suffered severe abuse at the hands of their husbands, up to the point of death. And the law would do nothing in regards to this. Women who were not married nor had family had a hard time surviving. Often times, they would be thrown into so called "Women's Houses" that supposedly allowed them to get a foot up in their lives. But really, they were pretty much domestic slaves, similar to what we see with the illegal slave movements today (and this includes the men, not just the women). What little money they earned, went to pay for the rent, which usually superseded their salary. Women pretty much had no say in what went on with their lives.
What's ironic about the Original Feminist movement, is that in some ways, it is very Biblical. In the Bible, we see that women are allowed to own property, and have jobs. And I'm not just talking about Proverbs 31. It goes all the way back to Moses and The Daughters of Zelophehad.
However, there does come a point where the Feminist movement goes too far. When it ceases being about protection of woman and goes on to controlling of men, then it no longer is in alignment with the Bible.