"I am the Truth." (Jesus Christ)
"I am the truth." (AZ)
AZ - I Am the Truth - YouTube
Blanket statements like that really don't mean anything to the majority of the world who isn't Christian, you know.
Because your viewpoint on truth is "Anything goes."
No, my viewpoint on the truth is that it is out there somewhere and it it our duty to find it. The truth is cold and hard, the truth is the universe couldn't care less about us. The truth is that the universe is governed by laws that we don't yet understand why or how those laws came to be, but such laws explain the expansion of the universe from a single point 14 billion years ago. That is truth. The truth is that we humans are one amongst billions of species to share a planet wracked by disasters caused by geological and meteorological forces against which we are totally powerless. That is the truth.
The truth hurts. But that is no reason to avoid it.
How could any christian condone a sin such as same sex marriage? You say, because gays have rights just like Christians do? Would you feel that same right goes to one who's sexual desires steer toward an animal? Or child? Any sexual affection that desires ANYONE/THING other than what God created from the beginning. (male and female) is a perversion of God given sexual desires.
If you equate homosexuality with pedophilia and zoophilia (bestiality) then I am allowed to equate religion with fanatics and suicide bombers. You really ought to make sure your argument is well constructed before you voice your opinion.
And no, people are not born gay!
Indeed, people are born asexual. Babies have no sexual inclinations whatsoever. Young children have no sexual inclinations whatsoever. It is only when puberty hits that one's sexual orientation develops.
No, science does not have evidence that people are born gay.There's no evidence for a gay gene, and if people were born gay, then the doctor would be able to tell at birth, if the baby is gay.
There is no way to tell at birth either whether a person will be left or right handed, and there are no left or right handed gene. Should we then say that left-handed people choose to be that way?
The thing is that not only does one have genes, there is also the field of epigenetics, which studies how the environment can turn on or shut off certain genes during development, and such changes can explain why two identical twins raised under different circumstances can mean one is gay and the other is not. However, the fact that if one identical twin is gay and that there is a 50% chance that the second twin is gay too, shows a very strong correlation that yes, homosexuality is in part tied to genes.
God hates SIN. I couldnt care less what science says.
I'm guessing when the doctors say that you have a cancer and that you'll need radiotherapy treatment, you'll tell them "No thanks, I don't believe in that science stuff, I'll use faith healing" then? Funny how people don't care about science despite its everyday presence in our everyday lives. Anything with electricity? Science. Plastics and polymers? Science. Internet and telephone? Science. Our understanding of the stars? Science. Our ability to predict earthquakes and volcano eruptions? Science. Without science, you would have none of that. Without science, you would not have been able to type onto a plastic keyboard to activate piezoelectric receptors to send electric messages to a computer chip interpreting the binary code to carry out instructions such as making letters appear on a screed due to our understanding of light (science) and sending information to another computer thousands of miles away, so that it may display the exact same message. So think twice before dissing science.
God says Two people of the same sex to lay down with each other sexually as a man and a woman would is an ABOMINATION. Get upset all you want, at the end of the day it is God who is correct. Not you, or anyone else who wants to follow after sin, or condone it.
God also says that bats are birds and rabbits chew cud. God also says that lobsters are an abomination unto you. Get upset all you want, at the end of the day, reality is reality, no matter what any holy book says. Yours is no more infallible than any others'.
Just because you cant accept the truth does not exempt it from being what it is. truth.
Oh the irony.