Same sex marriage is an abomination and if you support it you are not a christian

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Feb 24, 2011
All i can say is obama lost my vote if you say you are christian and go against Gods commands i can not stand by you.
So... You're going to vote against Obama because he supports gay marriage. So you're going to vote for Romney, a Mormon?


Banned [Reason: ongoing "gay Christian" agenda --
May 19, 2012
In God's eyes, people who get married to nonChristians and divorced people aren't married. But no on is complaining about a Christian's legal right to marry someone who isn't a Christian or someone who is divorced.


It's clearom twin studies, that homosexuality is choice. Twins that are 100% genetically the same... born... one is gay and the other is not.

That settles it, but theres even more.
Oh please. We have yet to make any true progress in the determination of how sexuality comes about. At the moment it's pointing more towards hormonal development. It's a murky area... However, what CAN be determined is that sexuality is not a choice.

Another thing to note... is tthat gay people have turned straight... showing that peoplpe can choose to turn straight. You can talk to someone until your blue in the face to change thier hair color, eye color... skin color but it wont change because thats genetic...and supposably being gay is genetic... then why can people be talked to change from gay to straight??? Reasonable answer is because if it was genetic.. then it would be impossible to change ... but since it changed by words... by christian pyschologists, I think God lead then truly it is not genetic.

Go to God's word ok
1.) There is evidence and studies being made that sexuality fluxuates as a life progresses. Those who claim to have went from gay to straight are either (a) an example of this theory or (b) in denial.
2.) Christian psychologists lol

That being said, marriage is a covenant before God. Don't really understand why someone who flouts God's laws would want to have a marriage. Then again you can state that there is a difference between state marriages and religious marriages if you truly want to separate church and state.
We just want the same rights as heterosexuals have as far as marriage is concerned... and don't give me that "you have the right to marry those of the opposite sex" nonsense.

Then if you go into the constitution, you will find that no-where does it say separation of church and state. Just that government shall make no law against the establishment or exercise of a religion

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.

Nothing about a separation of Church and State, sorry. This concept was coined by a letter from Jefferson and has nothing to do with this clause.
No, it clearly states that our government is not allowed to create laws that support a religion or its ideals. Jefferson's proposal of the separation of church and state was an interpretation of this part of the US Constitution... an interpretation that is widely followed up until today. Please don't put your own interpretations over that of numerous constitutional scholars'.

And my question is, why would someone that chooses such an extravagant lifestyle, be so traditional wanting to get married? That's how you can see how the devil takes everything that God created to twists it and make it look acceptable.
How is it extravagant? I would would like to someday marry and settle down with another man... Maybe adopt a kid and start a family. Doesn't seem all that extravagant to me.

It ended when you traded the truth for a lie, and gave up, (see Revelations and look for words "OVERCOME")
In my eyes, truth doesn't exist... and don't quote scripture at me. It won't help you in an argument with someone such as myself.


why are there people on this forum (a christian forum) showing their support for same sex marriage. its wrong. praise God a majority of people here still reject and oppose the gay agenda and their immoral turns. but if someone says they support same sex marriage, id automatically say they are not a genuine saved christian, and have fallen for the devils lies. if a person really was a christian the Holy Spirit would have put it in their mind that homosexuality was a sin.
and please no supporters of this abomination tell me that i have no love or no compassion etc. because quite frankly homosexuality is disgusting and is 100% oppose to God's plan and was not meant to be. God hates sin. this is how true christians should feel in regards to this topic.
Mate, hate to disagree with you, but I got two things to say to you. 1) Homosexuality is found in 405 speices, and yet homophobia is found in 1 . . . . . 2) A person telling another that being is against their religion is like a person on a diet telling another that their eating a donut is offensive because they are on a diet . . . . just saying. Don't want to start a fight, but I saw the post, and I felt the need to stick up for what I believe in. Hope you don't bash me for sticking up for my believes.
May 15, 2012
Gah, sorry for the extremely long wait, I never had an email for when you replied to this topic, sorry :(

I haven't even ate lobster...besides what is law and what is sin are two different things.
Well, In the King James version, Leviticus 11:10 clearly says that shellfish are an abomination unto you, and homosexuality is also described as an abomination. You can't pick and choose which parts of the Bible you want to respect and other which you don't.
As for homosexuality in the NT, I assume it's 1 Corinthians 6?
9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.
Therefore, homosexuals who are washed in the body of Christ are fine, no? Again, homosexuality is not a worse sin than any other here, such as drunkenness and greediness. If people campaign against homosexuality, they should also campaign against alcoholism. We don't see that. We see people who pick and choose what they want in the bible to support their homophobia or their distaste of LGBTQ people.

It's not okay to be racist. It's not okay to be all like "Gays go to hell no matter what, they're not human, blah blah blah." because gays need to be loved too. They need to be loved with a Christ-like love. Okay, being gay is not THE ULTIMATE sin. But it shouldn't be encouraged, that's for sure.
Do you think telling people that it's okay not hating themselves and being who they are is encouraging?

Have you ever thought it's never been approved of because it's wrong?
Have you ever thought for the longest time people were making the exact same argument for slavery?
There is nothing to show that homosexuality is wrong, except in holy books. Homosexuality is natural.
List of animals displaying homosexual behavior - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Sexual immorality (having sex outside of marriage, adultery, and yes, homosexuality) is sin. Period. We need to flee from it. Period.
You forgot to mention sex for the pleasure of the flesh. And if it's not for making babies (sex with protection, condoms, etc) then what is it for? Sex for the flesh is a sin, which is why the Vatican is so darn opposed to condom use, even though condoms would decrease dramatically the number of people dying of AIDS around the world (especially Africa), and dramatically reduce the amount of unwanted teen pregnancies (thus the amount of abortions) and of sexual disease spread (such as chlamydia, which infects something like 50% of the US population).
Any sexual behavior outside of procreation is a sin. There is no avoiding that.

Yeah, well, the Nazis were nutso. Doesn't take a genius to figure that out.
How do you think extremist/literalist/far left wing christians sound to the rest of the world?

And those things are very wrong. That is what you call blowing things out of proportion. No one should hate ANYONE like that. I don't agree with the gay lifestyle, I don't support it, I don't like it. But that doesn't mean I hate them. And it DEFINITELY doesn't mean I'm gonna go saying, "Gays need to be put in death camps." No! That's just straight-up wrong! And they need to put their heads back on straight. Man I couldn't imagine saying something like that to anyone...
I agree, it's completely wrong. However, your Bible supports such behavior when people want to use it that way, and condemns it when people want to use it the other way. The ONLY way those people can express their feelings without sounding like the homophobic bigots they truly are is through the Bible. These people are RESPECTED and ACCEPTED by their congregations. Such behavior is threatening the lives of LGBTQ people, and it is unacceptable. If christians don't want others pointing the flaws of extremists like them, christians should be the first ones to tell those pastors to shut the heck up.
You can't imagine saying that to anyone. That's perfectly fine with me. Just remember, the Bible allows you to do just that. Some people take it that the Bible demands you to do that. Just because you disagree in no way means they are entirely wrong, just that your morality is different from theirs.

See...I'd ask God about that one. I know I'm a Christian, I have the Truth in me. And I know that that Muslim would not be speaking truth. I know that with you being non-Christian and not believing in God, for you Christianity more than likely falls under the same category as Bhuddism and Hinduism and Islam. It's all religion. No difference between those religions. Religion is religion. But honestly, Christianity is way different. I wish I could explain everything about Christianity a lot better. But unfortunately, I can't.
"See...I'd ask Allah about that one. I know I'm a Muslim, I have the Truth in me. And I know that that Christians would not be speaking truth. I know that with you being non-Muslim and not believing in Allah, for you Islam more than likely falls under the same category as Bhuddism and Hinduism. It's all religion. No difference between those religions. Religion is religion. But honestly, Islam is way different. I wish I could explain everything about Islam a lot better. But unfortunately, I can't.
I'm not saying that gays are eternally doomed. Surely their lifestyle won't get them any closer to the Kingdom of Allah, but I'm not sure it'd make them totally doomed."
Do notice you are making zero arguments here. I can flip it around just like that and it makes just as much sense. Muslims have just as much faith and are just as truth-seeking as you are.
I don't say that all religions are identical, they are very different. I'm saying they're all equal when it comes to their religious statements and the amount of evidence to support them. A christian Law holds as much importance in my eyes as a muslim Fatwa. I'm also saying all religions are equal when it comes to morality (Jainism being the exception), and that no religion has moral authority over any other religion (again, except the Jains). People are good, people are bad, people are christian, muslim, hindu, people are not religious. There is no strong correlation factor between religiosity and morality, as one neither precludes nor is necessary for the other.

I'm honestly simply saying that it's sin.
That's fine by me, if that is the full extent you go to.
And it shouldn't be supported.
Ok, you don't like it, you don't support it. You cannot say that non-religious folk should not support homosexuality for non-religious LGBTQ people.
The Old Testament is still valid.
So no pork, shellfish, and mixed fibers garment?
Along with the New Testament. I've been on the receiving end of "This is sin and you need to stop it." plenty of times. And with God's help, I will overcome my sins. I will let Jesus be Lord over all of my life. Because honestly, me running my own life isn't going so hot. Not saying that life is all easy and nothing goes wrong when I let Jesus be Lord over my life, but it's easier to overcome what life throws at you. Because it's not our strength, but His. And His strength is perfect.
Seeing as that is your personal opinion, I have nothing against that. I don't agree with you on everything of course but so long as what you post above is limited to yourself, there is no problem with that. However, the thing with sin needing to stop is that for some people, it's literally part of their nature (homosexuality, kleptomania Kleptomania) and telling them to stop is like telling them to stop being right-handed. One needs to recognize that.

Yes, Jesus did call us to love one another. But do you know what the Bible says is love? It's not a romantic love. But a Christ-like love.

1 Corinthians 13 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

The Excellence of Love

13 If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but do not have love, I have become a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 If I have the gift of prophecy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge; and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. 3 And if I give all my possessions to feed the poor, and if I surrender my body to be burned, but do not have love, it profits me nothing.
4 Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, 5 does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, 6 does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; 7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
8 Love never fails; but if there are gifts of prophecy, they will be done away; if there are tongues, they will cease; if there is knowledge, it will be done away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part; 10 but when the perfect comes, the partial will be done away. 11 When I was a child, I used to speak like a child, think like a child, reason like a child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things. 12 For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known. 13 But now faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is love.

And see, THAT'S the love the Bible commands us to have. Now you can cherry-pick it, highlight what you want out of it...but the Scripture still stands. That's the kind of love Jesus wants us to have between one another.
I don't even need to cherry pick, I merely need to interpret it to suit my needs like you interpret it to suit yours. I'll just say that while nothing in here is sexual in nature, LGBTQ people also do not only love themselves in a sexual way. They truly deeply love each other, from the heart, not from the genitals, and these verses apply just as much to them as to anyone else.

Though I do agree...Jesus would feel extremely disappointed in us. And He does. And I'm definitely not excluding myself outta this one. Because I know for a fact I'm not perfect. And just because I'm saying that doing A or B is a sin, and shouldn't be supported, doesn't mean I'm holier than them.
I didn't mean to take it that way. I thought you were more of an anti-gay person, but I see I was mistaken. I still stand by what I said though, in that Jesus would be sad to see all the misdirected hate and lack of understanding and acceptance directed at LGBTQ people.

Again, sorry for the VERY late reply
May 15, 2012
There are many scriptures already mentioned in this thread on why same-sex marriage is wrong, but I'm going to take it a step further and show you how it is already destroying America.

List of relevant articles:

The first link shows a video in which discrimination against LGBTQ people is shown, and why it is shown to be wrong. I don't think you disagree that a child being discriminated against (can't go to a museum with the class because 'she cannot have two mothers') is wrong, do you? Notice these videos are not telling children that they MUST be homosexual, just that homosexual behaviour is normal and acceptable, and that discrimination against them is not acceptable. Notice also that the titles of both videos are misleading.
I agree with the message in the second link, that people's free speech should not be stopped, but I disagree with the way christians are being portrayed as victims, not when the lives of LGBTQ people hang in the balance, whereas some people simply cannot preach to a crowd who doesn't want to listen. If this is the kind of sermon that would be preached, then I agree that the preachers were escorted off the premises. Put All Gays in Death Camps - YouTube

I haven't really seen pictures of the Home Depot scandal thing, the worst I've seen was just people kissing, and if that were the issue, it shouldn't matter whether they
be homosexual, heterosexual, white, black, christian, muslim, whatever.

I don't really understand the thing with the girl guides. Are you protesting because they are receiving sexual education?

Let me be clear about this, the ABS thing is a protest because christians don't like the way they did their job? Le gasp, it must be incredible to have a biased news source! Have you perhaps thought of how a lot of people see Fox News?

What, immediately after complaining about biased news source, you have the gall to post a website from LifeSiteNews? I'm sorry, this will not do. Not only are there inaccuracies in the page itself (I can point them out if you wish) but the link between pedophilia and legalizing homosexuality is tenuous at best. The thing is that it is a lot easier for an adult to abuse a child than it is for an adult homosexual to abuse another adult homosexual. For the record, I do not agree with the page to the extent that they seem to be suggesting the conference was about legalizing pedophilia. However, I would be inclined to think it is perhaps a distorsion of what was really going on. If there is a sexually active 17 year old person who loves her 19-year old partner, that 19-yearl old can go to jail for pedophilia, and that stigma will follow him/her for the rest of his/her life. I think that needs to be clarified. It is not in any way an endorsment for 30 to 40-odd years old to have sex with preschoolers (which ironically brings to memory all the cases of abuse by pastors on choir boys).

I agree that the angry queer group throwing rock at a church and breaking their windows is a crime. However, I disagree that it is a hate crime, in as much as it is a response to many hate crimes that have been committed against LGBTQ people. I'm not saying it was the good way to deal with it, as hate only breeds more hate. However, there comes a point when a person can't keep quiet and do nothing about it.
These are hate crimes
Kid gets beat up for being gay - YouTube
Pastor Beats Up Own Gay Son in Church - YouTube
Raw Video: Beating of Gay Man Caught on Tape - YouTube
You can come back when you'll have news that mobs of homosexual people beat pastors to death. Until then, don't call your example a hate crime.

For the last example, I think the charges being laid are a bit extreme, but again, I strongly disagree with they way they paint the christians as the victims. If the christians have the freedom of expression to read from the bible and have posters, the gays have the freedom of expression to blow whistles and hold up their own signs. I'd also say that the Westboro Baptist Church has just as much rights to go to funerals to tell what they want to say. There is a fine line between freedom of expression and hate speech, and shouting hateful verses in the Bible to a crowd who have been and continue to be victimized by religious groups and who want to hear nothing from them, comes pretty close to overstepping their rights and freedoms.
Again, I don't agree with the charges themselves, but I don't disagree that they were asked to leave, or face arrest.

Regarding the political aspect, while I do not support it - it is difficult to limit it. I would not want tons of government spending coming to raid homosexuals homes as this is an invasion of personal freedom on that aspect and the same could be done against others. Rather, it is the churches job to preach against it and change the hearts of the people - that is the only way true change will happen. We also can continue to vote against legalizing it on the state level wherever possible.
That is true and it is your right, just as it is the right of every other citizen to preach to open the hearts of close-minded bigots and challenge the nonsensical laws that are being passed throughout the States. It's not a one-way street. Christians should not get any more privileges than any other non-citizens do, I hope you realize this.
May 15, 2012
So then, there is no absolute truth? Truth is what each individual wants truth to be?
I think there's a difference between objective truth and subjective truth, and that it is sometimes very hard to tell them apart.
Gravity exists. That is a fact and an objective truth. However, the theory of gravity is subjective, it is as close as we can get to the truth of gravity, but it is still subject to change.
Homosexuality exists. That is a fact and an objective truth. Some choose to look at the bible and declare it an abomination. Some choose to look at the hundreds of other species of animals who exhibit homosexual behavior and declare it natural. These are subjective truths.
Some people go so far as to eclipse the objective truth in favor of a subjective truth that they agree with (the wold being 6,000 years old for example).

Truth is a lot more complicated than many people make it out to be.
Dec 11, 2011
Urgh enough of this WORD VOMIT. Christians that say they have "no problem with same sex marriage" are guilty of complacency in their Christian walk and add to the deterioration of the GODLESSNESS in our nation. Enjoy the superiority you feel by being "enlightened" and denouncing some of the basic principals of Christianity- I'm sure you'll make the world a better, more secular place.

Seriously-- grow a backbone and call a sin a sin. None of this is making you look "tolerant" it just makes you look like a flim-flamer. THERE I said it.

That said I have no problems with homosexuals, I love them and have friends and family who are gay- but that doesn't excuse them for ANYTHING my God (and gasp, yours too) calls blasphemy. Just like you can love a liar who tells lies, I wont make excuses for them. Why are you?


In God's eyes, people who get married to nonChristians and divorced people aren't married. But no on is complaining about a Christian's legal right to marry someone who isn't a Christian or someone who is divorced.

then again people are killing babies daily and nobody complains and you kill one adult and your dragged off to prison, thats about the equivalent of your deduction, Ohh! thats right killing anyone is wrong!


Oh please. We have yet to make any true progress in the determination of how sexuality comes about. At the moment it's pointing more towards hormonal development. It's a murky area... However, what CAN be determined is that sexuality is not a choice.

1.) There is evidence and studies being made that sexuality fluxuates as a life progresses. Those who claim to have went from gay to straight are either (a) an example of this theory or (b) in denial.
2.) Christian psychologists lol

We just want the same rights as heterosexuals have as far as marriage is concerned... and don't give me that "you have the right to marry those of the opposite sex" nonsense.

No, it clearly states that our government is not allowed to create laws that support a religion or its ideals. Jefferson's proposal of the separation of church and state was an interpretation of this part of the US Constitution... an interpretation that is widely followed up until today. Please don't put your own interpretations over that of numerous constitutional scholars'.

How is it extravagant? I would would like to someday marry and settle down with another man... Maybe adopt a kid and start a family. Doesn't seem all that extravagant to me.

In my eyes, truth doesn't exist... and don't quote scripture at me. It won't help you in an argument with someone such as myself.

the bible says your a fool and I find myself in complete agreement


Banned [Reason: ongoing "gay Christian" agenda --
May 19, 2012
Being homophobic is a basic principle of Christianity? Maybe it is in your Christianity but it's not in mine. I seriously doubt God finds fault in two people loving each other. Even if He did, I'm sure God is more concerned about the wars and diseases and poverty than He is same-sex marriage.


Senior Member
Feb 12, 2011
God's ways are higher than ours, so are His thoughts. What we classify as love; isnt always the love of God. But what's for sure, is that whatever He considers love is prefect love and does not fail. If we live with that understanding, we are lest likely to be deceived by our own opinions.
Dec 11, 2011
Being homophobic is a basic principle of Christianity? Maybe it is in your Christianity but it's not in mine. I seriously doubt God finds fault in two people loving each other. Even if He did, I'm sure God is more concerned about the wars and diseases and poverty than He is same-sex marriage.
Urgh. Of course you play the homophobic card, they always do. Keep your watered down brand of Christianity, child.


Banned [Reason: ongoing "gay Christian" agenda --
May 19, 2012
And I would bring up the racism card if you said interracial marriage is wrong. What's your point?
Feb 24, 2011
Urgh. Of course you play the homophobic card, they always do. Keep your watered down brand of Christianity, child.
You are the perfect example of the worst kind of "Christian." (And I spit while I type that word, as you are NOT the word I just typed.) All of the words you just used (except "homophobic") are the exact words that evil evil racists STILL use against blacks in America. It's EXACTLY the same thing. As a non-gay American AND Christian, I can say this. Gay Christians are just as Christian as straight Christians. A true Christian is a true Christian. And any hateful bigot like yourself won't change that.
May 26, 2012
There is an amazing article about it here, How I Wish the Homosexuality Debate Would Go – Trevin Wax

But also I think that we shouldn't be out trying to stop people being gay.

Well if they don't belive in God or believe the Bible is God's word then they have no reason to ever see our point of view. An example would be Islam, we don't belive it is true adn therefore we may never understand some of the things they do and not agree with them, as we don't belive a higher authority has decreeed it.
So if there is no reason to them that they are wrong, why would they stop?

And we sin too, all the time, we need to be clear with that, we are not any better than anyone else. We don't have any right to judge them, we should point them to Jesus and try to help them see God is there.


I think it would be best if we Christians discuss topics like this with love instead of hateful rhetoric. It's better to talk to someone with love than with hate, and I feel too many of us have been doing that. Calling someone an abomination isn't the love that Jesus taught us about. You may not agree with what these people do, but they are still God's children. Dislike what they do, but do not preach hate for them, you're contradicting your beliefs. If you want to stop it, then try to save them with the love God has given you, and show that love to them. You cannot fight sin with hate, it's a trap in itself.