Are you afraid to have a mind of your own though? To interpret things in a way that might realise the truth of God isn't in reciting his scripture robotically and trying to one up someone. It's in realising the great freedom of mind that comes with believing in Jesus.
Jesus had a mind of his own. Set apart from rigidity and strict, law focused teaching. Jesus had a truly free mind. He was clean. Pure. Holy. And not because he prayed fifty times a day or recited scripture boringly. He taught in this fantastic, passionate and beautiful way that transcended religion itself and brought faith to something more. He taught value over ritual.
He wants us to become all things because if we become all things we can understand every view, every line. When someone has a different perspective, we can understand it. We can see their thinking. And we can understand, we are not all so different.
The unbeliever is not so different to me. We are all one. We all came from one. We all have capacity to sin. We all have desire for love. We all have fear, doubt, anxiety, pressure, anger, jealousy. We all have flaws and ridding ourselves of these flaws is first and foremost what we should subject ourselves to.
Subjecting others to throwing scripture at them, is also subjecting them to the backhanded judgement that comes with it. The Pharisees assumed that everything they did was correct and in truth and that anyone who did any different was a heretic. Jesus came and shattered that view.