Could be because sex is rather easy to talk about. It's no longer a taboo subject. Lots of people struggle with sexual issues like this because the church as a whole is too scared to openly discuss it once risk of offending someone or being seen as inappropriate. So then you end with whole generations of youth and young adults whose entire biblical views on sex are based on one or two sentences of wait til marriage and its bad. Clearly if you look at statistics in america alone this isnt working.
What percentage of unmarried, self-identifying evangelical young adults (ages 18-29) have had sex?
According to a study by the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy (
cited in RELEVANT), the answer is 80 percent.
Clearly something somewhere is broken and its not the people its the teachings. They arent deep enough or informative enough and this is the result.
*This isn't really directed at DIY Happiness herself but rather everyone posting as a whole....