I have often wondered about this, as over the last thirty years of washing my childrens and husbands socks.
I know the pair went in the washer, but one somehow dissapeared, leaving no trace.
My husband was a dectective for a while, so I called on his training and technical knowladge to help me solve this missing sock issue.
His answer was c.s.i. has not yet developed a way of solving this, and all cases are placed in a large clothing basket untill technoligy can come up with a way to solve this issue.
I looked to scripture, but the only answer I recieved was my grace is sufficient for you.
God does have a sence of humor.
So I asked my children what happened to the sock or socks.
They said they said alien cows took them to keep their udders warm.
I have occasionally found a sock in a strange place, the most unussual which I do not even want to consider how ??? was the fridge.
Suffice to say this mystery will always remain unsolved, but we have found a good use for the extra socks.
We fill them with cat nip and let the cats have them.
God bless