Although that's true 'canadian birdie',
God made the universe. Whether some fake semblance of some 'guru' wanted to
claim credit for the moon makes him 'holy'? In a degenerate sense that explains the
idolatry of mecca, the wayfaring port between the far east and the middle east that was filled
with merchandise and therefore ripe for the take over of a false religion.
Mohammed took over this place first, realizing people who love money could easily
be constrained into a new religion, --- as long as it didn't interfere with their bottomline,
and it's killing didn't include them.
Mohammad was nothing more than a power grabbing killer.
Brandon '777', read up on him and his causes.....and wars, and then ask about the difference
between the God of the Bible compared to the good of Islam.
(The saddest thing is that many good people bow every day to him, expecting the graces of the
god of a lying, rapping killer.)