I am young and married. We both attend a Pentecostal church here where we live. But no one knows about the physical abuse and emotional abuse I go through. I have confided in people at my job about it but I don't want to bring it into the church at all because I don't want to ruin my husbands relationship with God at all, ecspecially since this is the first church he has ever gotten close to. The thing is he was being very abusive physically. And now he is so abusive emotionally. He hasen't put his hand on me in a while but I know it will happen again. I am so scared and the things he says to me are unreal. I need help. I want to get away from this situation. He has isolated me from my family and friends and even if they were talking to me I live 10 hours away from them. I love my job and my church. I teach the childrens church sometimes and I love those kids and never want to leave them either. I dont know what to do about my husband. I love him with all my heart but I can't go through this. I wanna leave but I am so scared God won't forgive me if we get a divorce. I love God so much and I would endure anything for him but I don't know. I wanna leave but I don't want God to leave me. I need some advice from someone who has a strong relationship with God and who knows about this first hand. Can someone please give me advice on what to do.