the question hear is... Who is Babylon the Great Harlot?
GOD'S HOLY WORD tells us exactly who this babylonian great harlot truly is for those who has ears to hear and eyes to see.
this great harlot is... the catholic church.
now when i say the catholic church... i mean its false organized belief system and NOT those who sit in its walls.
do a study on the vatican and you yourself shall see and hear.
for instance, did you know that the catholic church states and documented that she is the mother to all churches and that every denomination to every non-denomination that is broken off from her are her harlot daughters and still holds power over them.
also look up... the united council of churches and research that for awhile and discover exactly were your church stands on its organized belief system for an awakening.
did you also know every pope that has been buried has a dragon on their tomb and that also she is the only church in the world to use the woman holding a cup. she also has this woman sitting on a beast located right in the vatican.
and the nicolaitanes whom GOD hates is none other than the nicaean council who reign in the vatican church.
also at the vatican on a pillar is inscribed... SACROS(ANCTA) LATERAN(ENSIS) ECCLES(IA) OMNIUM URBIS ET ORBIS ECCLESIARUM MATER ET CAPUT... when translated into english means... Sacred Lateran Church, Universally for the City and the World, Supreme Mother of Churches or Holy Lateran Church, Mother and Head of all Churches in the City and the World... which is a fulfillment of Revelation 17:5.
also did you know that the vatican itself has printed many documents stating who exactly they are and acknowledge it such as this from the vatican archives itself along with other documents such as this one which states... It is within the city of Rome, called the city of seven hills, that the entire area of Vatican State proper is now confined. By treaty with the Italian Government certain other properties apart from the Vatican State are considered as territorial parts of the state of Vatican City.
also as stated and documented here by the vatican herself... since the founding of the church there by St. Peter, the city of Rome has been the center of Christendom. The city itself is the diocese of the pope as bishop of Rome... as well as this stated from Pope Pius XI himself... the hand of God, who guides the course of history, has set down the Chair of His Vicar on earth, in this city of Rome which, from being the capital of the wonderful Roman Empire, was made by Him the capital of the whole world, because He made it the seat of a sovereignty which, since it extends beyond the confines of nations and states, embraces within itself all the peoples of the whole world. The very origin and divine nature of this sovereignty demands, the inviolable rights of conscience of millions of the faithful of the whole world demand that this sacred sovereignty must not be, neither must it ever appear to be, subject to any human authority or law whatsoever, even though that law be one which proclaims certain guaranties for the liberty of the Roman Pontiff.
also did you know that under ecclesiastical papal Rome, the Vatican has been considered within the walls and city limits of Rome for well over 1000 years.
also did you know that the vatican tried to destroy the king james bible but failed and then wrote their own king james bible changing GOD'S HOLY WORD around and then soon began writing and distributing bibles they approve and support to her harlot daughters.
for you see there is so much to list that there is not enough pages to fill with GOD'S HOLY TRUTH on who this great babylonian harlot is and who her daughters are as well.