The amount of people that believe it is true does not make something true.
Also, the theory about what happened "billions of years ago" is not fact. The scientific method is based on repeatable observations and experiements. For that reason, the scientific method cannot be used to prove anything about history.
There is nothing in actual science that contradicts the Bible.
Well, now it depends what type of evolution you're talking about, given that evolution is a giant package, and the word itself is often defined in various ways, usually it's whatever the evolutionist wants to be given the situation. For instance, when people start poking holes in evolution, the evolutionist will always respond with "that's not what evolution is," but that just makes it look like the evolutionists don't know the whole theory of evolution themselves. If I added up everytime that I poked holes in evolution and got the response "that's not what evolution is" then the theory of evolution amounts to nothing.
Back on topic, what many evolutionists fail to do is separate microevolution from macroevolution. Micro has evidence, we've seen this evidence, and it's verifiable with the scientific method. Examples include genetic mutations and adaptations through natural selection. Where Christians frequently have a problem with evolution are on these grounds:
1. The historical claims about evolution, how a single living cell branched off and became every different animal we have today (the common ancestory claims). And there is next to no evidence for this, it just comes to "we need to believe this stuff and assume it's true." But I see no reason to assume it's true.
2. Many evolutionists try to use evolution to deny God (coupling this with the big bang and abiogenesis). They like to claim that it's been proven that the universe, life, and the diversity of life all came into existence without any sort of creator or intelligent designer. Of course, there is no evidence to support such a thing, and that's just the evolutionists' belief system that they're trying to pass off as absolute truth.
3. This belief system with no evidence is taught in schools dogmatically as absolute unquestionable truth, despite the severe lack of evidence supporting it. The double standard comes into play because the Bible is not allowed to be taught in schools, despite having more evidence to support it than the "billions of years ago" belief system.
"There is nothing in actual science that contradicts the Bible"
There are plenty of things in "actual" science that contradict the bible. That's why I'm not a literalist. However, I'm guessing you are so arguing against you will get us nowhere, as we're both probably pretty set in our beliefs, which is fine.
Can you give me some examples of these holes you poked in evolution? Because if they're saying "that's not what evolution is", maybe you're misunderstanding evolution?
Well we've seen macro evolution through the study of fossils. This shows us the transitioning from one species to another via micro evolution.
1) There is plenty of evidence. It's not "assuming it's true", it's taking evidence that we have and forming conclusions. There are fossils and rocks that demonstrate a time frame for life on earth, which is very easily researched. It took roughly 2.5 billion years for the single-celled organisms to evolve into multi-celled organisms, and then another 400 million years or so until small, basic animals were formed. This isn't something that happens over night. It takes a really, really long time. However, evidence suggests that this did, indeed happen. Why on earth would scientists "
need to believe this stuff and ASSUME it's true?" They study the earth to learn, not to form conclusions they already have their mind set on.
2) Some people use evolution to try and dispute the existence of god. I think this is ridiculous, personally. I can see how it might be used to dispute young-earth creationists who think the earth is 6000 years old, but evolution is in no way evidence for or against god. Also evolution has absolutely nothing to do with the big bang, and abiogenesis is not proven and really doesn't have a ton to do with evolution, either. When I speak to atheists they say there is no evidence to support god either, which I tend to agree with. That's why people have faith. Atheists just don't understand faith. They'd rather have evidence. Both are fine but they are certainly different.
3) Well this is just plain wrong, at least where I'm from in Missouri. We were taught evolution, but it was not taught as "absolutely unquestionable truth". In fact, we were encouraged to question it. Many people did, and we had classroom discussions about whether it was true or not. In the end NOTHING was forced on us, and kids were welcome to leave the room if they were uncomfortable. Christianity is religion, evolution is science, that's why it's taught in a science classroom and Christianity is taught in religion and geography and philosophy classes.