To err is human; to forgive, divine. - Alexander Pope
I know you have fears, I know you have your anxieties,
your jealousy, your anger, your sorrow and such..
I feel them, don't know why. Probably because I'm
bombarded with constant accusations on things I haven't
even done against you.
I've been getting this feeling you want me to fail you
so that you won't feel so bad about what you did or do.
I don't want to fail you, but I will, I'm not perfect.
You have this idea that you come to me for peace and life, like
I am God but I am not. I'm just a regular normal silly woman
in this world who WILL fail you. You already know this.
God is the only being in the universe who will love you the way
you want. He is the only one who forgives and
the sin is gone forever...no matter what it is!
I'm not sure if you know that...but its truth.
If you can imagine pure love unconditional without error,
perfection. A perfect love...fit for you. I'm just saying...
all it takes is a humble prayer and a real truthful outcry to him.
Its his presence you feel.
If he allows you to feel it from me,
I have a feeling he wants you to know HIS love.
He wants you to know the truth about your situation with him.
Maybe...there really is hope...everything has always been
about the choices we make in life, maybe he really is good
and his mercies do endure...forever.
I don't want to be chasing you around with a bible...
If I fail and fall, I want these things to be said first, because i know
I will never get the chance ever again to say them...
I know exactly what will happen to me...that is why I say as much as possible,
before it happens.
...I don't know how to put your heart at ease...I wish I could, I love you.
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