I was molested as a child,I did not have a father figure and my mom was a psychological mess.Prescription for a future criminal right?WRONG!!Every person has the choice not to be like their attacker,they either choose to hold grudges and take their unfortunate circumstances out on others or forgive and do not become a victim.
AMEN!!!! Also, if you look around,the level of those abused, raped, etc. today is HIGHER than ever before, and it's only increasing even more.
I myself was a victim, and I'll say this, we're not victim's anymore, we're SURVIVERS!!!!!
We lived through it, moved on with life, forgave them, and we aren't like those whom harmed us.
I feel it's totally unfair to judge and assume things about others due to something someone did to them that was beyond their control.....labeling them is the same,who are others to just do such things!
We're not any less of a person, we're not any less beautiful in God's sight, or anything.
My mother and father neither one were around Mcap, so I understand....dad chose women, drugs, drinking, and all that...mom chose men, sex, drugs, drinking, being wild,and so on. Praise God, I tunred out NOTHING like either of them!
Rather I turned out on top with Jesus as my all in all, I'm saved, and going to heaven some day!
I'm on the battlefield for my Lord, I'm totally on fire for Him, and nothing can stop me! woooo! glory hallelujah!