The devil has deceived you.
It is important to understand that the Bible does not condone a "lifestyle" of "homosexuality," but rather speaks directly to "homosexual behavior" or "homosexual acts." Homosexuality as an "identity" is a modern non-biblical construction.
Leviticus 18:22 proscribes the act of a male lying with another male, classifying it as an "abomination" or "detestable thing." The Hebrew word comes from the root "to abhor," and the image emphasizes both ritually and ethically God’s call to reject such behaviors.
Leviticus 18 also includes commands against incest, adultery, sacrificing children to Molech and intercourse with animals as similar examples of "defilement" of God’s land and people. The chapter’s concluding warning entails imagery of the land spewing out those who have made it unclean with their abominations... homosexuality being among them.
Under the overarching figure of "bloodguiltiness" (that persons are responsible for their own death), Leviticus 20 commands the death penalty for various sexual immoralities, including the "abomination" of males lying together. The images of defilement, land spewing out uncleanness and bloodguiltiness are particularly strong in this section of Leviticus that modern scholars have named the "Holiness Code" (Lev 17–26).
Similarly, when Paul uses the image of not inheriting the kingdom of God to describe ten kinds of "unrighteous" people (1 Cor 6:9–10), he includes malakoi (the "soft" or passive participants in homosexual acts) and arsenokoitai (the active instigators-a graphic term for "those who perform male coitus") as well as thieves, drunkards and the covetous. Likewise, 1 Timothy 1:9–10 adds arsenokoitai to liars and perjurers in listing more than a dozen "rebellious" types for whom the law is made. The point being made here is that we, as Christians, are being prepared for heaven and these activities simply will not be permitted there nor people who refuse to repent from them allowed in.
This image insists that everyone needs the law (for we have all sinned against God) and drives us to the gospel announced in 1 Timothy 1:9–11.
The most important imagery for homosexual acts is the language in Romans 1 of "exchanging" God’s purposes and of God letting go. Some dishonored God by substituting idols for God; therefore, God "gave them up" to their own lusts (Rom 1:18–25). Others God "gave up" to their depravities, such as envy, gossip and arrogance. Romans 1:26–27 declare that God gave over to their degrading passions both women and men who "exchanged" natural functions for unnatural. These three image sets are examples of warning, for Romans 2:1 insists that everyone is without excuse since all practice such rebellion against God.
While references to homosexual acts are limited in Scripture, they become a powerful image for those who in their blindness have given up God’s good gift of healthy sexuality and have exchanged it for something degrading and unnatural. Homosexual acts become a symbol in Scripture for violating a basic principle of holiness: mixing that which the Lord declared should be separate.
Understand that the Roman verses contain one of the very earliest combined condemnations of female and male homosexuality alike. Only two earlier texts make the link (Plato
Laws I.636c; Pseud.-Phoc.
Sentences 191–92). The fact that he condemns both female and male homosexuality along with pedastry, makes his statement generic.
In Rom. 1 Paul condemns homosexual acts, lesbian as well as male, in the same breath as idolatry (vv. 23–27), but his theological canvas is broader than that of Lv. Instead of treating homosexual behaviour as an expression of idolatrous worship, he traces both to the bad ‘exchange’ fallen man has made in departing from his Creator’s intention (vv. 25f.). Seen from this angle, every homosexual act is unnatural (
para physin, v. 26), not because it cuts across the individual’s natural sexual orientation (which, of course, it may not) or infringes OT law (
contra McNeill), but because it flies in the face of God’s creation scheme for human sexual expression.
It is one thing to repent and become a Christian in recovery/sanctification struggling with sin issues in their life. This is the condition many Christians find themselves in. Perhaps all, to some extent. These are born-again and have aligned themselves with God in truth.
It is entirely another thing to justify one's sin as normal and refuse to repent aligning themselves with ungodliness in rebellion to God twisting His Word to "justify" it.
Notice, I SPECIFICALLY didn't want to talk about the sexuality of the fathers because you and people like you are extremely immature and can't have a conversation about child birth without talking about sexual sin. I asked a specific theological question and other people answered it.
Also, I'm a New Testament kind of guy. And no where in the New Testament does it even mention homosexuality in a way that talks about consenting adults who love each other and not pagan Temple prostitutes or rape (Romans 1.) In the original Greek, there are words for homosexuality and same-sex attraction. those words were purposely not used because Paul was talking about sins of having sex with oracles of Roman gods to "commune" with the deities they believe in. So I don't believe God had anything bad to say about gay marriage as it exists today. The story of Lot was because those crazy people tried to RAPE angels, not have consensual sex with them. And Leviticus was filled with laws for Jews at that time in that place.
Your disgust with the gay parents of my sister's baby is your own, not God's. People like you are the reason kids of gay parents have such a problem in life. If someone was in my ear since I was 6 telling me my parents were evil and I shouldn't be raised by them, I'd probably be crazy, too.