Lol,never said I was holier than thou..... never said that, read any other post I've ever done on here and you'd know what my views are of myself. I know everyone is better than me, I know the Lord hates me. I know I'm scum, so say what you want. But NEVER assume I'm saying "I'm holier than thou".
Secondly- The question is still valid.Everyone is going to Hell for their sins, there is no possible way to repent for all sins. The scripture says all sins are equal to the Lord and we can not go through the day without sinning at least once. Do you wear clothes? That's a sin. No fabric of mixed fibers can be worn. Yes is still applies. Christ did not change the OT, meaning it's still relevant.
So do children go to hell for playing? If parents go to hell for telling about Santa as you mentioned, then I guess the answer is "yes". Both are lies, and lies are the same to God.... so children go to Hell for playing.... Why not make playing illegal then and throw children in juvy if they do it? Wouldn't this help them stop?
ok... don't know the whole Santa argument.. have a feeling I probably won't agree with Rick on that point.
however there are more serious issues I would like to comment on in this post then playing pretend or Santa claus or mixing fabrics.
1. why do you think God hates you? Why do you call yourself scum?
I've always heard God call people His beloved children.
2. you seem to be stuck on the Old testament laws of clothes, etc. You do know what the New covenant means right? the difference between the Old covenant and what Jesus replaced with the New covenant with His blood and writing of God's laws in the hearts and minds of His people. How the letter kills but the Spirit gives life?
3. neither children or parents will go to hell for either PLAYING OR SANTA STORIES. they both seem kind of extreme.
4. every day is a special day because God has given it to us. birthdays change as kids get older and they learn to value time spent together instead of just material things.
sorry have to write some papers so won't be online much but you can pm me if u like