I believe considering the whole counsel of the Word doesn't include cherry-picking a couple of phrases out of context and misapplying them. 1 Cor 7 says nowhere that someone is free to divorce or remarry...you've added your own words/opinions to the text. It says we are not enslaved to serve or obey someone who is estranged. A simple study of the greek words "not under bondage" and "bound" (the word used in 1 Cor 7:39) plainly shows that they are two different words, one is referring to the marriage bond itself and one is simply referring to being enslaved.
The whole counsel of the Word includes explicit statements Jesus made:
"Everyone who divorces and marries another commits adultery, and he who marries one who is divorced from a husband commits adultery." Luke 16:18 Right because God's design if for Believing men to be enslaved to THE MARRIAGE BOND, whilst the unbelieving woman lives her unbelieving life apart in total disregard, perhaps with many lovers or a new marriage and that a believing women having been cast aside by unbelieving husband's are expected to live 'til death as married to a man who provides NO Provision, Protection, LOVE, Affection or Duty? YOUR theology is self righteous legalism possessing not a shred of the forgiveness and mercy of God.
I believe writing off a spouse as unworthy and unredeemable does not show the mercy and forgiveness of God. His love is long-suffering and He says to be imitators of Him and to love one another as He has loved us.
No, I don't think a true believer will have to remain single the rest of their life, I believe their life will be restored once their faith is proven. God says we will suffer for doing what is right. You seem to disagree. All of the prophets in scripture went through some pretty difficult trials. If you are the elect, scripture is pretty clear that you WILL suffer unjustly. God will release them either through the death of that spouse or their repentance- but it won't require them sinning by breaking their own vows.
True faith doesn't look at the circumstances, it keeps its eyes on God. Joseph said what you meant for evil, God meant for good. Bad things happen for a reason. Jesus could have chosen not to do the hard thing for us. It didn't look like there was any hope for Him when He got on that cross. But He loved us and He loved God more than Himself. Your theology is focused on self. The gospel says we must die to self to find life.
I think it takes great humility to lay one's life down for their spouse. It takes a self-righteous attitude to say they are not good enough and never will be. It is only by the grace of God and not any of my own "goodness" that I'm on the path that I am- I take zero credit.
It is foolishness to say that EVERYONE doesn't include every "unbeliever who leaves." This verse alone refutes the adultery "exception clause"...Jesus never once used the word "adultery" as the exception- it was "fornication- premarital sex during Jewish betrothal, that's why it is only found in Matthew which was written to the Jews) I am not especially interested in YOUR cherry picking of the scriptures to suit your purpose. The luke 16:18 is a verse contained in the context of Jesus Speaking to the PHARISEES about their legalism and lack of unterstanding regarding HIS coming preaching of the coming Kingdom and the condition of their hearts... being only concerned with the law. THE kicker is... the Pharisses didn't get it and I am fearing it likely you won't either... but do TRY... in all sincerity I pray our graciousl Lord Bless you this way.
This was Jesus' teaching on marriage. It is repeated in Mark and Matthew, when they asked if a man could divorce for any reason, Jesus gave an unequivocal NO. Paul said he received the gospel by direct revelation from Christ, so Paul knew that "everyone who divorces and marries another commits adultery." You make Jesus and Paul contradict themselves and each other. Proper hermeneutics harmonizes all the verses together. Jesus said you nullify the commandments of God for the sake of your traditions. You nullify Luke 16:18 because it doesn't fit your preconceived conclusion. Every statement God makes is true including Luke 16:18.
It is foolishness to say that God condones something He says He hates in Mal 2 where he still calls the woman the WIFE by covenant AFTER divorce (and this was a case of an unbeliever who left). God is still holding the man in Mal 2 accountable for his wife and isn't hearing his prayers or receiving his offerings. You are making it as if men are to BE God. GOD is GOD, HE instructs man. Further, Malachi is a PICTURE of God the father and his "marital" relationship with Israel, and there is no disputing God hate's divorce... but he recognizes there is such a thing as an INNOCENT PARTY... and therefore has made provision for it.
There are no scriptures that talk about the "innocent party." In Matthew 5:32 it says the woman who is put away (without just cause) is committing adultery if she remarries.
It is foolishness to say that God is a schizophrenic because he commands us to keep our vows and not to call them a mistake (Eccl 5). Our vows are unconditional and do not include "except for adultery or abandonment." False, the vows are conditional and DO include adultery clauses but they are worded this way..."Forsaking ALL others", thus when a spouse decides to disregard the vows... they have broken the covenant.... according to OLD TESTAMENT LAW... they should be stoned to death... but our NEW COVENANT SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST is merciful AND GRACIOUS AND DESIRES THAT NONE SHOULD PERISH. Further since marriage does require the participation of TWO people, abandonment IS a just cause, there is no such thing as a marriage of ONE. It IS foolish to say God is schizophrenic and I did not say any such thing... it is YOU who said it and attempt to attribute such to me... Let the audience note. God is not a God of confusion and while I am capable of hammering away at this legalistic theology, I think there is enough for a spirit filled reader to discern...
If we make a vow that says we will forsake all others, that is not the same as saying I will forsake all others as long as you forsake all others, or I will love you for better for worse unless that "worse" includes adultery or abandonment. Covenants can be violated but they remain in effect. There isn't a single covenant in scripture that ended by anything other than death. You do realize that your entire religion is based on the fact that Jesus had to DIE in order to bring about a NEW covenant?
It is foolishness to say that the same God who forbids Christians from going before the "unjust" and using the civil courts (1Cor6) would allow divorce via these same courts. GOd does not FORBID Christians from using civil courts... I see you have an diverse misunderstanding of scripture... at this revealation I think best to just leave you to your error... if it is such that your husband permits.
Yes, He does (this is already settled by God's own words):
1 Cor 6
"Does any one of you, when he has a case against his neighbor, dare to go to law before the unrighteous and not before the saints? 2 Or do you not know that the saints will judge the world? If the world is judged by you, are you not competent to constitute the smallest law courts? 3 Do you not know that we will judge angels? How much more matters of this life? 4 So if you have law courts dealing with matters of this life, do you appoint them as judges who are of no account in the church? 5 I say this to your shame. Is it so, that there is not among you one wise man who will be able to decide between his brethren, 6 but brother goes to law with brother, and that before unbelievers? 7 Actually, then, it is already a defeat for you, that you have lawsuits with one another. Why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be defrauded? 8 On the contrary, you yourselves wrong and defraud. You do this even to your brethren."
True faith is willing to be wronged and defrauded (like scripture says the elect will be) and trusts God, not man, to avenge them.
It is sad that you mock who God is when you scoff about His "divine intervention" like someone shouldn't actually walk by faith (proving their true faith which obeys) and He isn't capable of restoring marriages and families... The "mercy and love" you speak of is what one shows by NOT divorcing and by remaining reconcilable with someone who divorces them (the only option given in 1 Cor 7:10-11). You are making some fairly strong accusations here suggesting I mock, scoff or lack faith, I will excuse you this time as I clearly see where the your problem lies.
Jesus told us not to cast stones using the very example of an adulteress and God told Hosea to go and love His wife again after she was unfaithful with many lovers. That is what a godly husband does. It appears that your position is the legalistic one, you can write your spouse off for their sins, but then expect God to forgive you for yours. I would suggest meditating on the parable of the unforgiving servant (Matt 18). Strong warning for those who show no mercy. Use of GUILT manipulation noted
That is how I harmonize scripture. The statistics I referenced are very real...decades of research that is already proven. God knows what is best for our children. Right it is definately best for children to to see a believing spouse be enslaved to an unbeliever, so they can fully appreciate and learn by example what marriage is. God has already said what a godly marriage looks like...Eph 5. God always remains faithful and never takes another bride.YOU are wrongly trying to equate the CHURCH BODY (BRIDE) AND WOMAN BEING BELEIVING OR UNBELIEVING... THAT IS WRONG. God never takes another bride yet ALL individuals are FREE to be "a part of" or APART from the BRIDE which is the church.