I went to Catholic school for 12 years, so did my brother. My parents went to Catholic church every Saturday or Sunday. My parents are 85 years old and go to church every week and still are not saved. It is a tradition. In fact, I would say my Mom is a God hater. I'm 55 years old and was saved 9 years ago in a non-denominational church. After learning that I was not to worship Mary, pray to dead people, confess to a man and call him Father, baptize my infant children, etc., etc., etc., I could not understand how so many so called intelligent people can be so deceived.
I have tried on many occasions to try to help them see the truth but they are not having any of it. My brother, who is now a Pentecostal thanks to his wife, bought her a bible and she told him that she did not believe in the bible. Why go to church then? She said she has never read the bible, will not read the bible because it was written by too many people and she doesn't believe the bible. She's been in church for 80 some years!
She told me that I should but some color on my hair than is turning white ( I like it ) so I read her this verse: Gray hair is a crown of glory; it is gained in a righteous life. Prov. 16:31. She said: How does He know? Does he own a beauty salon? They are absolutely clueless and it breaks my heart.