I came from a non-christian family. Never touched a Bible until I was 15, but by that time I had already began a journey with Wicca. I knew that there was a spiritual realm...I knew and was sensitive to the fact that there was definitely good and evil.
A girl took a chance on me in HS and invited me to her birthday party. At that party was members of her youth group, and I was invited to church the next day. I took it upon myself to prove them wrong and their pastor

Luckily God knew EXACTLY what he was doing when He set up this divine appointment. The youth pastor was VERY well versed in apologetics and VERY patient, persistent, and filled with God's love. It took 3 years, but I finally could not deny making a decision for The Lord any longer.
My family called me a "Holy Roller" simply because I attended church. My mother to this day remains unsaved and very hateful towards God. My sister will not confess the Lord as savior because then she would have to change her behavior/life style. She is not willing. They were my only family. I moved out at 17 and never went back. To this day even with my mother terminally ill, it is impossible to have her living with us.
My boys are believers (I have 2) and I have a wonderful husband that Loves the Lord.