I'm looking for advice on whether our 16 yo daughter should be allowed to go to this concert. It's a Hip-Hop/RAP concert and she would be going with a friend and her parents. What does the bible say about this type of thing? She is a Christ follower as well and I want to be able to explain my decision.
This is easy, you are her parent, you are still responsible for her spiritual well being by being a strong witness to her, now she claims to be a follower of Christ, and wants to go and fellowship with this worldly darkness????????????
I encourage you first off to check your heart, as you seem divided on what to do. If she sees nothing wrong with this, then where is her mind? and where is yours?
I know this may not be what you want to hear, but you both need to check what mind you are in, and if your church or pastor tells you its ok for you or your children to love the wicked world and its vain attractions, then he doesnt love you, is in great compromise!
Rom 8:6 For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace
Rom 8:7 because the carnal mind is enmity against God, for it is not subject to the Law of God, neither indeed can it be.
The more I seek the truth and compare what is being taught today by the mainstream ministries and pastors, I have come to the conclusion that those who oppose sound doctrine, and argue in favor of sin are not in their spiritual mind!
A carnal mind is way more than the vile sinners who live each and every day fulfilling the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye and the pride of life.
A carnal mind can also be the happy go lucky church goer, who has come into the kingdom through the repeat after me crowd! The have been duped into the great lie that promises them liberty, while they are still in bondage to many sins to various degrees!
They may not be like Ted Bundy, or Adolph Hitler, but when it comes to truth, and standing firm on it they will cleverly use and twist scriptures to make their plea for truth, which in reality is a plea to continue in sin and disobedience but still be saved and secure.
So when the truth is given to the lost masses out in la la land, they will either come with a spiritual mind yield to the spirit of truth, and seek the truth as laid out in scripture, they will diligently dig deep in the word, and not relent until the spirit fills their once carnal mind with spiritual truth that wells up in their heart and soul!
But many will stay in their carnal mindset, bent on being right at all cost! They argue, accuse, lie, and twist their way into the hearts and minds of the simple, which are hungry for truth, but open to any wind of doctrine that comes down the line.
The carnal mind is an enemy of God!
Hostility; by implication a reason for opposition: - enmity, hatred.
They refuse to see the error of the system, where original sin, substitution, followed of OSAS, is the norm, and anyone who comes against these false pagan and man-made teaching’s is called out as a heretic, evil, selfish, and self-righteous! Then they get upset when you tell them they must repent, stop sinning as commanded, and give ample scriptural proof their beloved saved IN sin message isn’t in the word of God!
Again the carnal mind is polluted with the thing of the world, they have no desire to guard their heart from the many lies and deceptions lurking around every corner, nor tune out to the world and its vain attractions and entertainments!
The carnal mind is easy to spot, they come at you as a loving, peaceful lamb, but when you confront them with the truth, they soon turn into an angry wolf, seeking to devour anybody who encourages them to dig deep, do not be deceived, hold fast, cling to what is true, seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, rightly divide the word of truth, be diligent, put on the full armor of God, run the race to the end, etc.
Many, many warnings given to the humble soul, who comes broken and contrite to the mercy seat pleading to God for mercy and reconciliation! Who has actually crucified their flesh with Christ as commanded, now cleansed and purge of all dead works, ready to now receive with meekness the truth of the word.
Carnal and spiritual are dead end enemies! They cancel each other out; you can’t be in one mind one minute then another mind the next, but this is what is being taught as normal throughout the professing Christian world today!
Rom 1:28 And even as they did not think fit to have God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do the things not right.
Tit 1:16 They profess that they know God, but in their works they deny Him, being abominable and disobedient and reprobate to every good work.
The whole dynamic process of salvation laid out by God is not getting saved as a vile sinner, then combating your flesh until you die, NO it’s the only way out, putting to death the works of the devil, keeping the carnal mind dead and obsolete.
Salvation is not a provision handed down by God to cure your ongoing sin and rebellion, NO its death to the old man, where the Holy son of God came as a sin offering, to return us to favor to God, on condition of real repentance(sin stops) and an obedient faith, both proven by deeds of a cleansed and pure heart, open to receive the spirit, broken and spiritually minded, standing fast in the truth, as the lost church and world condemns them, scoffing at their works of the heart gospel, loving their carnal mind that is opposed to God.
Faith upholds the law, holding fast to the word, faith works through love, bearing good fruit of the heart, and it overcomes the world, the flesh and the devil!
The word of God is rich and overflowing with many powerful nuggets of pure gold, giving the cleansed and spiritual mind fresh water that keeps them in the faith, as he comes broken and zealous to serve God with all their heart and soul!
So the next time you want to shoot the messenger of truth, ask yourself which mind you are in?
Eph 5:6 Let no man deceive you with vain words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the children of disobedience.