Not everyone here on this site is saved, and a ton of them are deceived, after I was saved I had a few dreams from The LORD JESUS with Bible verses in them, they were EZEIK 33 over and over again, then the next night Jonah. These were in dreams and I read those parts of the Bible and believe that GOD wanted me to be a watchman, and like Jonah warn others. Thats part of who I am, and I have to go out into the world and preach the gospel to everybody ( MARK 16 - 15 ) like every real christian should. Galations 4 - 16 comes up alot. Every member of the body of christ has different unique callings, and they are all equally useful. Sometimes people will lash out and manifest demonically when you witness or preach the gospel to them, I have a friend with a ministry in Boston who understands that as a watchman its not a popularity contest. Christians want to keep their heads in the sand and only have their ears tickled. So when you tell a luke warm christian that GODS judgement on America is here in the form of an evil leader, some of them will throw a temper tantrum and not want to listen then lash out at you. Its o.k. Also their are Catholics here who are completely blind and they need to be warned as well, and saved.