Green: hey i like your question about missions (at least i assumed it was a question)! And here's my humble take.. I participated a few years ago in a short term missions trip to Malaysia, Brunei, and Thailand. And one of the most profound experience i had was realizing (and actually witnessing) the truth that there is a worldwide hunger for God's word.. Of course we "know" this but somehow it was so real there its like When u go on one, it really opens your eyes to a whole deeper level of "seeing" people's hearts.. And their need for God- een if they dont know it yet.There was so much blindness, emptiness and desperation in these places (of course the hunger is the same everywhere but somehow its so palpable you can taste it in your mouth duing missions i guess in part bec the whole point is to "feed") anyway by God's divine appointment, there were so many who listened and opened their hearts to Jesus and somehow language was not a barrier..despite what i thought.. You'd feel this sense of spiritual opposition (sometimes through dreams and visions even) but God ALWAYS came through for us. There is a complete sense of spriritual warfare... And purpose. I plan to go again this October either to Japan or Israel.. Im still waiting on God as to which
but in the meantime, home is always our first mission field
for those pining to "go" and can't yet for harver reason, the local grocery, our workplace, the neighbor, or the cab driver are just a few fields ripe also for the taking.
I have a question for you: why did you ask this?
You have a great energy about you, belovedone, and your mission trips sound exhuberant, your desire to do more trips is testament to your desire to see Him. Indeed, 'God's divine appointment,' that is how He does things, odten, for our lives, always leading us, and, in perfect 'step' for our lives.
I have experienced few mission experiences but ones gone on, or, just one to NC ,was my seeing God at work in my life and many others.
I asked missions question , for one thing, I like to hear how God did things in that way for you so others can hear your trip.
We can see how the Lord led you
Oh isn't it a lovely picture As for the deatils, I don't know anything more about it, other than the way it makes me feel; happy I just had to borrow it because it's soo peaceful!
Which prayer request are you referring to? It seems as of late I have had a few.
Now a question for you: how did you come to know the Lord?
I came to know the Lord in church when I was old enough to know, I had good Sunday school teachers who taught me of Him. I told God, though I knew I would sin and fail often, I was not going to leave Him, this at age 16 in the midst of parents bitter bickering ongoing three years to that day and their seperation when i was just about to start my senior year in HS.
I was the Lord's is what I am saying from growing up going to church, but i never learned of the Holy Spirit until age 31 , in June 2000 when water baptism inconceivably followed Holy Spirit baptism later that same night away from church.
I'm not speaking legalism either, just how the Lord led me to understand Him and His love, grace, mercy, for me at the deepest of levels inside me, I realized the Holy Spirit was God's spirit inside me . SmileOn, i was referring to MS .
All the President's Men is a classic movie. I like pretty much anything with Dustin Hoffman. Actually, any movie about Nixon is fun. Frost Nixon especially, though the funny part about it was that the Frost interviews did more to help Nixon than to hurt him. Shows you how the folks in the media love to believe their own fallacious stories and seek to make their perceptions a reality. While Frost Nixon and All the President's Men entertained me in their intrigue, their view on the effects of the two events respectively bothered me in that they could not help but cling to Nixon mythos more than the reality.
I've actually never seen an episode of 24. That said, I am not ready to demand a recount. Spycraft is entertaining. Especially in The Lives of Others, hahaha. The Hunt for Red October was a great book and film. Patriot Games was also a fun ride.
When it comes to historical movies (spy films included), I do not demand complete reality in all its detail (a great demand for a writer and film maker), but rather a certain believable frame of reference concerning the characters made and the setting in which they are placed. Not a whole lot of spy films and films about political intrigue do this, so I end up walking away wondering how they could have made the story better than actually being entertained.
Thank you. That is a common perception here as well. Politics is considered dirty and some believe no Christians should go in to it. You know what? That is partially true. I have witnessed terrible things in my time. I have seen professing Christians or at least believers in a worldview not politically dissimilar from Christians, stab each other in the back. Slander one another. Good friends of mine have been lied about only for the purposes of stoking someone's ego.
It's bad, and it always will be bad on some level.
At the same time, I see hope. I've seen an assertive citizenry. I have met candidates who buck the trends and stand up for the Republic. Politics involves relationships and power. As such it can be a great good or a terrible evil.
Whenever I feel like walking away, I hear two things.
Benjamin Franklin in David Brin's The Postman asking this one haunting question:
"Who will take responsibility?"
Then Ronald Reagan at his second inaugural. "If not us, who? If not now, when?"
America is dualistic in its view of politics. Yes it can be a devil's game, but it can also be very difficult means of service the point of which is to empower others with fidelity to principle and rather than one-self.
Those we remember and revere are the statesmen who do precisely that.
The movie with 'glass,' is stephen glass, ritt, about a young 20-something reporter for the New Republic who fabricates a lot of his great stories it is later learned into his career.
Yes, I am not sure if you are aware of who Rossi Reeves is, but, I believe, he was a media consultant for Ike. (I like Ike !
) But, yeah, I could see you helping an underdog become the next president of usa. Or, me, too. I think, too, speaking from a journalism persepective (I found Poli-Sci class I took boring. Comparative Politics. Blech!! )
Naut, the Lord leads, anyone that is telling you you are going to hell for being anti-gay, or, pro-life or whatever is in danger of great judgment from.God.
The Lord leads and He CAN use us however He wishes.
We are to discern , Scripture says too, and, point out that God does say things wary of and i just pray for those doing things that can cause their life tougher being led by Him. Again, not judging, just discerning what I think happens from the dissension caused of gay nlmarriage in the fabric of families.
Just awkward a lot of times, BUT we are to love one another, so, after loving God first, above all and everyone else, we are LED by Him to love others as we love ourself.
So, there ya go, Christ bro, and, good your on here a lot, naut, God's place is good place to be and christian chat is a bastion of beautifulness on the web in a silky mess of sites that scream heartily and sweetly, yet, not really ('real-ly) for your everlasting soul .
God in your life more is good to hear, brother, you're showing yourself more unselfish, Christ foloowing behavior than you might really know
But, He knows, He sees, our Lord leads, and, whether, you, I, or, the unbeliever wants to believe, ultimately , He has led us all to Him, and, confession of every knee bowing will spill out this truth one day.
Even unbelievers, one day, when its too late, say, 'that Jesus Christ is Lord.'
You got now, follow Him, cuz, it sounds like our young lives got a lot longer of living but you just never know when God is going to take you . He only knows all.