I came to know the Lord in church when I was old enough to know, I had good Sunday school teachers who taught me of Him. I told God, though I knew I would sin and fail often, I was not going to leave Him, this at age 16 in the midst of parents bitter bickering ongoing three years to that day and their seperation when i was just about to start my senior year in HS.
I was the Lord's is what I am saying from growing up going to church, but i never learned of the Holy Spirit until age 31 , in June 2000 when water baptism inconceivably followed Holy Spirit baptism later that same night away from church.
I'm not speaking legalism either, just how the Lord led me to understand Him and His love, grace, mercy, for me at the deepest of levels inside me, I realized the Holy Spirit was God's inside me . SmileOn, i was referring to MS .