this question makes no sense to me . God uses different things to bring people to him. How does God know what to do? he is God. He knows how people will react.(Do you see the discordance in this saying?)
He also know with some people there is nothing he could do to get them to believe (we see this with the jews who rejected him even after he rose someone from the dead.(The chosen Nation?)
It does not prove we do not have a free will choice, and our eternity is dependent in it.
The religious trust self. alot of boasting, because it is based on their hard work.
The agnostic or licentious do not think they need saved, so trust nothing. Alot of boasting, because they are their own God.
The Child of God trust God. No boasting here,, they did nothing..All boasting can only Go to God. (Only those who think they have a hand in saving themselves boast) - (Many who claim their faith is their own do this - - - it doesn't take 'religious' or 'agnostic' - in truth both categories are spiritually licentious)