[QUOTE=Enow;920280]What about the prophesy involving that dream of that statue in Danile 2nd chapter? How does that fit in? Doesn't that prophesy refers to more kingdoms than just the three that you mentioned? Isn't the going teaching of the general consensus in christian circles that the former Roman Empire will be the the rise of the NWO with those nations you have mentioned?[/QUOTE]
1. Yes, there are four kingdoms in the Great Image, the last being the two legs of iron, universally accepted as Rome. However, after the fall of the Roman empire, the next power to take control in the Holy Land was Islam, the Leopard-Bear-Lion beast of Revelation 13, so I was focusing on them.
2. Yes, the general consesus among Christian eschatologists is that a New World Order under Antichrist will be the final government on the planet before Jesus returns. The events in the Holy Land of 1948 and 1967 opened prophetic Sctiptures in a new way so I no longer believe that popular scenario to be correct.
For instance, it can now be proven that the beasts in Revelation, the Two Witnesses, the Seven Seals, and the Seven Trumpets are not events in our future! In fact, all have been fulfilled during the Christian era and we are just moments away from King Jesus appearing in the sky! There isn’t going to be a seven-year tribulation in our future and no waiting for a final Antichrist, either. Just ever increasing natural disasters and unrest among peoples, particularly around Israel and the rest of the Middle East, until the last trumpet sounds and we’re in the eternal kingdom of God. Difficult realities to accept, perhaps, but true all the same.