I'm glad you removed that last post anonimous because I was going to say:
I didn't compare Joel to Paul and Jesus. You did. It's part of the pattern of fallacious behavior you're engaged in. What I said exactly is: "Christianity has had to deal with this since the Pharisees opposed Jesus and Christian teachers opposed Paul in Philippians."
What I meant is that opposing God's ministers has been going on since Jesus and Paul. You twisted it to mean something I never said. This appears to be an ingrained personality flaw of yours because it continues to occur.
I posted a video of Joel proclaiming the Gospel and encouraging people to repent, receive Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and savior, start anew in Christ, something he does at the end of every one of his services, so an intelligent person would already know that I have sat and listened to him. I listened to him issue a call for people to respond to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Billy Graham used to go on UN-Christian talk shows, Robert Schuller's services, etc... to spread the good news and there was a time in Billy's ministry career where he wondered the same thing Joel does. I know because there's a monument to it at Forest Falls, CA which I've read in person with my own eyes. Yet Billy was a Christians who spread the Gospel both before and after he eventually came to grips with the Bible as the sole infallible Word of God and Jesus Christ the only way to salvation. Or, is Billy Graham just another heretic on a very long list of Christian ministers you degrade? I hope not.
It's noteworthy that God extended salvation to many before the appearance, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ on this earth which Jesus Christ helped create. The Bible states there is no salvation outside of Jesus Christ. Yet, God extended salvation through Jesus Christ to Old Testament Jews, the gentiles that fought with David, gentiles like Melchizedek, and gentiles that never even heard the name of Jesus Christ because God could and wanted too. Jesus Christ died for their sins too. They aren't in hell.
But I know what you're saying. Joel has to finish his growth in this area as Billy Graham had too. Like I said, you should be praying for him and sending his ministry emails encouraging him too take the step from I know Jesus Christ saves to Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation instead of going around internet boards degrading him as an evil morally blighted heretic.