Who reproves us, Stephenbelievin?
God or Joel ?
Who corrects us? God or Joel.
And, it's His Spirit who comforts us through the correftion.
So many like to think God is a'background' guy from verses like 'there is one mediatior between God and man, who is Jesus Christ.'
This is true, Jesus is the propitiation for ALL mankind's sins, the seperator, if you will, but His Father is God and, no, I am not preaching sepertism of God and Jesus different entities. No. They are One . They are Deity , Father, Son, Holy Spirit.
We use all three's work to understand all's work, so He can be all and all.
But, why, just because Joel does not preach fire and brimstone but instead preaches the love of Christ make Joel a 'heretic,' it is not a false gospel taught, it is the 'gospel' taught, the gospel of Christ.
God WILL convict those sitting in Joel's church, and, Joel knows that, he does not deny that, does He?
He denies bringing a gospel that is negative, but , the very ACT of coming to Jesus is negative for so many. Again, the message of Christ, dropping everything and folowing Him is hard for us all and I've read your testimony Stephen and why you became compliant to His leading. Awesome stuff !!!
But, everyone is diferent and Joel is being shrewd as a serpent yet gentle as a dove, and, Joel doesn't always get it right, he could be bolder in his teaching, which Joel does not say, but, who ya kidding, teaching is preaching, it's prophesying--exhorting others to.follow Him, edifying others, giving revelation even to others as He leads, per 1 Cor. 14 .
This is Joel's call, it's a call of His , from God the Father, God the Son and, God, the Holy Spirit . Just unique to Him?
In some sense, yrs, unique, as Joel's work is no better than anyone else's and Joel is humble as 'they' come, but, yes, teaching the positive message of the gospel of Christ every week is quite a calling to do to 16,000 listening ears, not to mention worldwide, not to mention bookwriting callings.
I pray God uses me every day how He wants and that I reward others just like Joel. I error , I know, in my trying but I try and my 'thorns' in my flesh are His to humble me and I know beyond a doubt as I follow Him in me leading I have sufficient grace for all the things I do that require His mercy given, which, good news, is draped in love and His mercy for ME is "new every morning."
I am fallen, wretched , sinful man, but I am flesh that is crucified with Christ.
So, is Joel ?
Note to ohzone: The Lord leads. You follow Him; if you feel rightness (with Him) to support a thread saying joel is a false teacher, then, that is, obviously between you and God, ...'you follow Me.' John 21:22