it takes a hardcore Christian or a dedicated Christian to accept what am about to say
1) God wants to be involved even before the aspect of dating, HE wants to choose for us the dude we are going to spend till death do us apart with. Many people assume GOD has answered their prayers because they get something near to what they want in a man. But our thoughts are NOT HIS, to what we know is what HE knows. there are indeed many factors that GOD considers before HE gives us a spouse. So i would advice that you start here, its hard but you must. because basically even if people years and years in marriage even to their old age. It does not mean that GOD wanted them to be together, but it just reached a place they were satisfied with what they had, instead of what GOD wanted them to have you dig?
First thing is first,3 years of dating or a relationship does not justify GODS hand in it. but what i believe you need to do is start a fresh with HIM, and make sureand i mean very sure that HE is the one for you. and if HE is and are sure. then we move to number 2
2) Sex before marriage is fornication, and GOD commanded (there is no way out of this) that sex MUST BE AFTER MARRIAGE.THERE is only YES TO THIS. rebel at your own expense really. and you know marriage is not all about Sex my friend, it is far stretched, way far stretched than that. sex is a part that is truly not the foundation of marriage. since women grow to ages that they no longer desire it.
Marriage is about fulfilling what GOD has called you to do on earth TOGETHER in all aspects. EVE was Adams sidekick sort of speak(no offense). Marriage is making two people ONE,you know sharing that bond through which none can find a way to separate.Marriage should be kept HOLY always, and two that get married MUST BE BORNAGAIN, that is GOD loving people.
no offense but 22 is very early to get married,and if you worry that maybe he will be taken, then you just gotta make sure that doesnt happen through prayer.
but there are many aspects people have to get through before marriage. and each is vital.. so before you do this, i suggest read spiritual books that talk about it, read a lot of them. so you may see if you are ready. dont rush into it and always seek GODS face on it. and trust me on this, that you should be a hardcore christian. so spend more time with GOD, submit all that is yours and about you to HIM and trust HIM. whether some biblical translations you do not agree with it or not,what matters is the TRUTH, and the SPIRIT will teach you on what is true or not.
Fear not TRUST GOD, His hands are safe to submit to.
Dont submit, do it at your own expense.