Children are the easiest to learn and find Christ than anyone. That is why Jesus says, come unto me as little children, for they will enherit the Kingdom of heaven. And the reason being is their hearts are not hardend and their eyes are not blinded to things like adults are. They are open to the greatest possiblilities of all things... They trust completelyand openly.
The problem is for adults as we try too hard to presuade children into things thinking its a hard thing, when its not. Its at these times, we can push them away...We think its us who do all the work like WE are the ones leading the way and its really God who should be doing so.. God is the one who leads all to Him as He draws all people to Himself and this includes children as well..
He does use people to help others and give words and instructions on how to do things, but many times, we put more effort and emphasis in the instructions and the how too's trying to make the layout for another to unfold, so much so, that we loose the reason of why we are doing it and this needs to be our main focus... The reason is love...
If we keep Jesus as our main focus,, we cant go wrong as His love, mercy and grace in simplicity that goes with it is all we need.
For i have seen many come to Christ who are seeking with a simple word, for in the end, it was knowing that the great Creator called them and made themself known to their heart and showed Himself as their Father and His love was made known to them... This is really all people want to know,, especially children. To be loved and cherished...i have told many bible stores to kids,, had them draw pictures as i taked,, or got bibles with pictures.
There are many kids bibles in many stores all over too, or just verbally speak to them the word in a childs understanding...We dont have to hype up or fancy up the Word of God in order for children to listen or partake when they are already interestest... Gods word doesnt have to be fancy in order for kids to know him... God is already special enough isnt He? Let your heart speak!
The child will see that as the Holy Spirit guides them to Him and like any of us who come to the Father, we too fell in love with Him..they will too..