*Bright smiles and hugs!!* Chelsers and Musical, my sisters!!

(Or maybe clones??? There should be laws... anyway...) Just a hint of advice to all my other fellow singles out there--don't make the mistake of falling for the first (or second, or third) "Christian" love interest you may have if he or she has lots of red warning flags all over their situation--addictions, abusive backgrounds, control issues, etc. I am NOT saying this to be judgmental or to say that someone with those issues cannot be loved or love someone, but what I AM saying is, don't fall for the old line (their word only) of, "I'm recovering... God is working on me... etc." FIND OUT FOR SURE if it's true and exactly how far they are in the process before even THINKING of getting involved with someone like that, such as, are they in counseling? Do they have a close relationship with their pastor? Do they submit themselves to other authorities and are they accountable to other people who are further along the recovery path than they are? (HUGE warning sign if they are not--I can speak from experience, several stupid mistakes, and a lot of my own thinking that I just had to find someone or needed to help a guy who supposedly had it worse than I did as my "Christian duty") and, better yet, get your pastor's approval first (I wish I had) before even considering dating someone with these warning signs. If your pastor says no, move on, quick! (God tells us there is safety in seeking--and obeying--wise counsel). I know it's HARD--I'm still waiting too... but it's better to be alone than with a "sand pit" (someone who is being sucked into a black hole and taking you with them!) Even a "Christian" one.