I get that God is tolerant and forgiving. But what does the Bible say about weather salvation is guaranteed? If it is, then there can't be a "Hell" because everyone is saved. Because Christ died for ALL sinners, right? The murders, liars, fornicators (having sex with someone they are not married to), people who want what other people have (people who covet), people who envy others, etc. Basically, the whole world is forgiven according to the logic, "once saved always saved." Neither, Moses or Aaron were allowed to enter the promised land after leading the Isrealites. Why? Because, after God told them how to bring water out of the rock, they did not mention that it was Gods doing. The fact that they simply did not sanctify God by saying that he was the one who made the water come from the rock, meant in God's eyes, that they were not showing faith. And it cost them. God didn't say "Oh well, but you did all this other stuff right, so go ahead and be saved"(Numbers 20:1-12) That promised land meant "salvation" to those people. What does that tell us?