You are in a spot for sure and I can feel the pain and frustration you have. First above all else, please keep praying about this to God. I have been taught it's ok to ask others their opinion on something, but the ultimate decision for your life comes from God. Always seek godly council, someone you know is a true Bible believing Christian and keep praying, God will guide your heart.
I "thought" I was in love many times in my adult life, mainly in my late 30's early 40's, and I really hated to break things off with them mainly because I didn't want to hurt them. But as God kept pressing on me, these people didn't seem to care about hurting me, and I knew I deserved better and to be treated better than I was. My situations were different from your dilemma, but my feelings were much as your own. I am very sensitive and take things very personally. I have always battled with depression all my life due to the abuse I suffered from my mother and other family members. But as I kept praying, I knew in my heart God wanted better for me and I knew He was telling me to let them go. I did stay friends with most of them, but over time we drifted apart. Yes, it was a horrible time for me, I cried all the time and broke down very easily, but I always clung to Christ through it all. And every time I went through this, God always got me through it. It does hurt and it is very painful to end a relationship, but you do make it through, just trust God while going through it.
I waited for Gods best to come into my life and I wasn't going to settle for anything less. I am so happy that I waited and I can even thank God for allowing me to suffer through all the wrong relationships, so that when His right one came along, I knew it without a doubt. He is everything I ever dreamed of and wanted, plus some. We have both been truly blessed.
All I can say is, if you feel any uneasiness in your heart, then this girl is not the one God has chosen for you. If you have complete peace in your heart, then she may be the right one. But keep praying and seek godly council is my main advice.
I love God with all my heart, I feel Christ is the one and only way. But, even though I know this and I know all other religions are false and there is no other God but this one, I will never hate or look down upon another for their beliefs. God gave us all free will to make choices, and if others want to believe something else that is their decision. I will not verbally beat them up over it or cram Christ down their throats as some would do, that doesn't fix anything, but I feel living as Christ would, and trying to set an example and hope others can see a difference in me from the world, that might draw those who believe in something else to come and ask me about my beliefs.
I too am 100% against homosexuality. The Bible clearly states how God feels about it and it is an abomination and unacceptable. I am against gay marriages, it is wrong, it is not of God. One cannot be gay and a Christian, it is just not possible. This does not mean I am a homophobic or whatever the term is they use towards Christians that are against homosexuals. I can love the person, but hate the sin. Just because one doesn't like the sin act doesn't mean they hate the person doing it. If that was the case we would all be hated, because we are all sinners.
This is where I have problems with "Christians" and "churches" today. Too many are too busy trying to please man instead of pleasing God and following His commands. To me, if one is a true Bible believing Christian, then they would not stand for homosexual rights. Or women being pastors in the church for that matter. The Bible clearly states a woman's place in the church can be a teacher of Sunday school etc. but not to be a leader in the church and preacher over men. That is not the role God gave us women. And too many churches allow this as well as allow homosexuals to be preachers in a church. How can something God does not like or allow, that is a sin, be a leader in a church? These are churches that do not preach Gods truth.
As a true Christian we are to be set apart from the world. The world should be able to see a huge difference between us and those of the world. Today I find it extremely hard to tell a Christian apart from a non-Christian. Just because one says they are a Christian doesn't make them as such. There is so much more to it. And sadly churches are becoming this way also, at least the ones in my area. When Christ returns, there will be so many still sitting in the pews left behind. Is it their faults, no. They were just taught wrong and didn't learn how to discern Gods truth. Another thing I was taught was, never ever believe everything a pastor tells you, listen with a heart bent towards God and then go home, pray to God as you open your Bible and dive into it and look up what was told to you, if it doesn't match the word of God, then keep looking for a church that does preach Biblical truth.
Sorry, didn't mean to get off subject but felt I was to share. These are things God has pressed upon my heart over the years and felt I was to share here.
No one should tell you to dump this girl or to stay with her. They should advise you to trust God, pray about it, seek godly council, and as I learned from a very good pastor, if you do not have total peace in your heart about something, then something isn't right. That is God speaking to your heart brother.
Keep praying and know that if you do break up, then it is for the best, God has something better for you just around the corner and whatever challenges you face, God will see you through. If He got me through all my emotional difficulties, He will surely do the same for you. Praying for you brother.