

This picture should probably be pinned above every BDF thread by default and also jump as a popup when BDF page is loaded... "thou sittest and slanderest thine mother's son... but Jerusalem which is above is free, and she is the mother of us all..."
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I thought it was the worst feeling to be slandered if innocent. It's not actually. What feels worse, is when I see people who are my friends here, fighting and hurling ugly words against one another, especially if they're both very dear to me. It's painful on a special level. I was just reflecting on that the other day and changed signature in accord.
You had me going to chk out your new signature. You know, I think it wise to let those around you know that their actions and reactions are observed and do affect those who care about them. I know, it is something we should pray about, they are ppl and disputes we should pray about, hoping to cover them with the mercy of our Lord. For me, I just find stepping away from the disputes is best, then just pray and leave it to God. After all, who is more equipped for such a task, right?! I so want to fix and when I have tried, it only caused more contention.

The ultimate peacemaker, the Holy Spirit, is plugging away, revealing Himself. We know one day we will all be united in mind and heart. Oh how hopeful and precious are His truths.

I love your huge heart, it is a blessing to all of us.
This picture should probably be pinned above every BDF thread by default and also jump as a popup when BDF page is loaded... "thou sittest and slanderest thine mother's son... but Jerusalem which is above is free, and she is the mother of us all..."
wish this thread had the "AGREE" button, I would use it, but since it doesn't I'll just type "AGREE"

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Pics that speak to my heart
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