I understand knee problems. Mine was severally damaged as a teen, in an unusual way that the Dr.'s had never seen. The evil one tried to use that in my life to destroy me (even in the church youth group, well meant words just brought in doubt

) and I ended up OVER compensating putting much weight and strain on the good one, in turn causing wear and tear damage there as well. At that time it was just one more thing adding to a broken depressed life (another story, another time...…… but that's when I REALLY began to see the Lord working in my life!) Just as Joseph stated in Genesis 5:20 (and I'm paraphrasing here)" what was meant for evil God used for good!"
I use to think people were goofy talking about how they knew changes were occurring with weather due to "feeling it in my bones". I lived in a very warm area (were the seasons didn't really feel different) and never really "felt" that. Now that I'm older and live in an area that actually HAS seasons that change (LOT'S and LOT's of cold and snow at times, lol) I feel what that means. HOWEVER it's during those times that pain tries to inflict itself on me and I place my hands over these knee caps and start praying and praising. "Thank You Jesus that by Your wounds, Your strips I AM HEALED!"
What glorious gifts we have! Sometimes it lifts and there is nothing left to feel, sometimes I feel the area still in pain, but I DON'T feel that pain.
And God's not a respecter of persons, so if He's done it for me He'll do it for you!