In Chicago area Oberweiss is the premium brand. Oberweiss ran for Governor I think. I believe availability is Oberweiss outlets and maybe upscale grocers. Milk is in old fashion 'glass' bottles. I hardly use dairy products except for cheese and have not been to see if Oberweiss has had to make any compromises due to ??? Black Cherry was great.
I'd like to try that. Unfortunately, they don't sell here. There's another company, forgot the name, from Pennsylvania that is the best here. Guess what? They sell their milk in glass half gallon and quart jars. When companies switched to plastic, you could tell the difference. Storage in plastic really leeches a lot of chemicals. I think the cardboard ones went from wax to Teflon coating. If we can taste a difference just from that, it makes me want to go with glass too.
The free ice cream I just got was Graeter's s'mores French pot ice cream. I never tasted that unique flavor before.
Tillamook is excellent too.