
New shirt, new me.

I'm about to go grocery shopping, but have plans with friends tomorrow to grab sushi! How many grandchildren do you have? Sounds like an eventful weekend!
Sounds like a nice time with friends filled with laughter I reckon. I have four grand wee ones. You are a thoughtful sweet soul. You know that? Thanks
Sounds like a nice time with friends filled with laughter I reckon. I have four grand wee ones. You are a thoughtful sweet soul. You know that? Thanks
Haha, it was pretty fun, but I woke up sick. So, the sushi was apparently not the best ;) Four little ones?! Aw, the sweetest! How old are they?
Haha, it was pretty fun, but I woke up sick. So, the sushi was apparently not the best ;) Four little ones?! Aw, the sweetest! How old are they?
Let's see, 12 a girl, 10 a boy, 7 a girl and 1.6 a girl. :D. 🥰 Oh no at sick, 😟that is no fun. U think it was the sushi, huh? Well, I hope you get to feeling better, sweet one. ❤🙏

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