

Hoover Dam Arizona/Nevada
My wife and I went there the day before we got married in Las Vegas in 2014. We didn't take the tour but just wanted to see the dam and to go to Arizona for a few minutes so that my wife could cross that state of her list that she hopes to visit, currently need 12 more. I need 18 but had already traveled extensively through Arizona in 1972.
My wife and I went there the day before we got married in Las Vegas in 2014. We didn't take the tour but just wanted to see the dam and to go to Arizona for a few minutes so that my wife could cross that state of her list that she hopes to visit, currently need 12 more. I need 18 but had already traveled extensively through Arizona in 1972.
Awesome view, huh? These pictures were from several years ago and the other pictures show that the water level was very low at that time and even is much lower now.

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US National and State Parks
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