Hi HiH, I used to make clothes. I went through a time where, if I was ever wearing a dress, it was one I'd made (and sometimes you could very much tell, lol!) I got frustrated with fitting, though, and haven't sewn in a long time. I'm trying to get back into it, but the closing of JoAnn's was devastating! :(
Happy Thanksgiving Sarah. I hope you had a good day.
I thank the Lord for you.
I'd like to catch up since we last wrote. You should have two emails. The one I provided you through your parents is best.
... Protonmail.ch
Feel free to reach me through either though.
Sometimes it's easy to lose important letters for all the promotions/ spam this time of year at the Gmail.
That's ok if you don't like everything about him. I don't always like everything about me either. I have had disagreement with certain interpretations with Pastor Anderson and we have different personalities from one another, especially when public speaking.
Was it something he said in the last video that was unchristian or something else?
I just finished listening to this portion of a class Pastor Anderson had on the critical Greek text with former students. A couple were on Zoom, so the discussion you might find interesting.
Here's a link to the Trinitarian Bible Society. They sell the T.R. Bible that you might already have. If not, I would get it at only $10 and shipping. There are some free articles for download on the page available too.. Once you memorize the alphabet, you'll be ready for your next class starting with your Greek Bible. Have a great day!
They will kill and eat snakes, but they really like mice, moles and other rodents best. It's like taking them to Dairy Queen and buying them a hot fudge sundae.
preventing what in people is called Rickets and thyroid conditions. You know what I mean with goiter and bulging eyes. With the limitations of the Christian Chat posts, that little animal would have ended up suffering.
It's probably best that it escaped. I am probably the biggest opossum fan in West Virginia. I've done wildlife education programs here to NY. It's hard to believe, but they are very hard to raise without nutritional diseases like metabolic bone disease and hypothyroidism. Even experienced zoo keepers and Rehabilitators have a hard time
... until they are collected. Possums will eat some ripe fruit that falls from the trees, but I've never seen them ruin crops like racoons, deer and rabbits.
That's good. As long as it wasn't injured or separated from it's mother too early, it should do ok on it's own. Of course you are right about the dogs. It was looking for a shelter and food. It sounds like it was a good teaching moment. If it survives predators & roads to adulthood, it will benefit your place by getting rid of ticks, and rodents better than anything else. The mother hens will protect their eggs...
What are the chances that you know a former Opossum Rehabilitator? I never played the lottery and I don't recommend it, but I will recommend the following.
Somebody needs to get a ruler and measure it from snout to the tip of it's tail and report back with the measurement.
it's age. It's in the National Opossum Society website. They need to read it and follow instructions ASAP. I need to tend to mine now too. That is really awesome that we both found possums at the same time. 🐀 😎👍
I will pray for your new acquaintance and may the Lord bless them with excellent health.
Please ask your siblings to read this website as soon as they are awake. The possum will need immediate care. If they tap the menu, it will provide the answers to their questions. If it is a pinky or very tiny, just beginning to growing fur, it will need around the clock care every few hours. There is a formula described. The baby will need help going to the bathroom too depending on
Only the Lord knew your question before you asked it.
Only He could provide the answer through Pastor Anderson specifically answering it in perfect timing as I found that and posted for you prior to knowing your question. Lol!
I'm referring to the question about the T.R. you posted a little while ago.
That is so awesome.
Romans 8:28