LlL, it's always a blessing to share beliefs and values with friends. May the Lord bless us with more and more still. The God of all peace and comfort be with you always.
Precious sister LLL, Good morning - I'm awake - snowing outside - hibernating inside with my hot choco - time for a friendly chess game for 'reassessment'? ♫ 😇 ↑
"opportunistic/in the wind chess, entertaining to watch and fun for me." Ok, precious friend, looks like I am ready and available tomorrow, Thursday at 9am-11am or 1pm to 3pm. Or, another day? What's good for you? Will you be posting the "friend waiting" to play chess the 'link' from the chess arena site? Should be fun, eh?
Hi LLL! It was lovely to hear from you! :) So happy to see you back! Alas, chess is definitely not one of my gifts. :( I think it's fascinating to watch people who are so good at strategy, but sadly, I am not one of them. But if it's any consolation, I'll try to keep making threads when I have time, so maybe we will see each other there. :) Hugs and blessings!
I'm really enjoying your uplifting, kind, and encouraging posts. Very glad to have you here! God bless and looking forward to seeing more of your thoughts in the forums. ❤️
Sending you a pm new to really nasty arthritis, some days it's all i can do to sign in to check emails. I'll be notified by email if you send a pm.