Recent content by Amosathar

  1. Amosathar

    Gaslighting among Christians

    So you are a psychologist? or a psychiatrist? a therapist? or maybe a counsellor? you at least have a degree in psychology? or is this your understanding of how things work because of your observations? As someone who has dealt with adults who were brought up with the very parental actions your...
  2. Amosathar

    Some Xmas Stories

    Sin came from Adam's disobedience because he was the one put in charge of the earth as it's caretaker, that is why they both noticed they were naked only after he ate because He was the one instructed by God never to eat that fruit from that tree, so he knew he shouldn't eat, but did it anyway...
  3. Amosathar

    Some Xmas Stories

    I find it interesting that you're talking a lot about Jesus and things that surrounded him that are related to Christmas, yet you use the secular Xmas in your title like the world does when they want to avoid using the word Christ in Christmas
  4. Amosathar

    Gaslighting among Christians

    So because a secular worldly study showed positive effects, you are recommending we should lie to a child for their own benefit? How is that a Godly thing to do. Christians should never advocate lying as a method of teaching, rather should opt for the truth. Next you'll be saying there is...
  5. Amosathar

    Gaslighting among Christians

    That is not healthy to a child's psyche, you are making them distrust their own feelings, how can a child be assertive in how they feel, if people are making them doubt it. And to be brave or courageous, one must act in spite of the fear, not because you made fear less intimidating, otherwise...
  6. Amosathar

    Was Jesus ever taught by man?

    The song "Mary did you know?" is not about whether she knew if Jesus was really the son of God, she knew that he was the son of the Most High because that is what Gabriel told her. The song is asking questions about the miraculous things that Jesus would do and the true nature of Jesus as God...
  7. Amosathar

    What are you listening to?

    Yes, this is what I find most interesting, when you delve into the meaning behind the words used in the original language. Although English brings forth the correct meaning in the message, we lose a lot of depth that is found in the original language
  8. Amosathar

    Was Jesus ever taught by man?

    I find it interesting that it mentions Jesus was 12 when he was found teaching in the temple. 12 or 13 is considered in the Jewish culture to be coming of age when a boy is considered an adult. Most likely before the age of 12, Jesus might of been taught many things in regards to being human and...
  9. Amosathar

    What are you listening to?

    I agree that sacrifice would also be a good word, but if you look at the definition of the word 'victim' (a person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event or action ) - that is what Christ became because of our sin, he was innocent but paid the price for us...
  10. Amosathar

    His Faithfulness, His Timing

    No, you didn't answer the question at all. Because no where in Scripture does it say that God won't give us more than we can bear. Firstly, I'm not even talking about trials that consist of suffering for your faith or being persecuted for your beliefs. I am talking about the situations we face...
  11. Amosathar

    His Faithfulness, His Timing

    You still did not answer my question, I asked, where in scripture does it say that "God will not give us more than we can bear?"
  12. Amosathar

    His Faithfulness, His Timing

    Please provide scripture reference for this? Because if you are quoting 1 Corinthians 10:13, that is about us not being tempted beyond what we can bear. When we face these tough situations in life, it is not God giving them to us or doing it to us, he may allow it to happen, but he's not...
  13. Amosathar

    His Faithfulness, His Timing

    The t It is easy to talk about trusting God fully when life is relatively easy or even when things get a little tough, but you'll never know how much you really trust God until you find yourself in a serious situation that has no earthly solution. Where there is nothing left for you to do but...
  14. Amosathar

    His Faithfulness, His Timing

    I think it can be hard to wait, especially if we aren't even sure what specifically we are awaiting for. On a side note about trusting God, I've heard it said, "be careful what you pray for, because you might just get it." I think the most scariest prayer you could ever pray is "Lord, teach...
  15. Amosathar

    Online long distance relationships - the pros and cons

    As someone who has had experience in a relationship that started online and ended in disaster, I'd like to point out that no one needs another person to complete them, there is nothing that you can find in another human being that can help make you complete. All we need is God to be complete and...