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  • "Contentment is not the fulfillment of what you want, but the realization of how much you already have."
    "If not personally witnessed, then one can only assume, and that leaves many assumptions."
    "And, wanting the last word often brings out ones dark character trait, that of arrogant contempt."
    "Make no mistake, now more than ever before, spiritual discipline and harmony may well be the needed
    foundation to stay focused on God's 'principles' of life, and not allow intellectual deception to dwell in our
    life. Self-control being a full time endeavor."
    "And again, if it can't be explained simply, you may be out of your element. Intellectual ego most likely
    being the cause of not being spiritually grounded."
    "Let us never be vacant of HOPE."
    “Clear vision for tomorrow comes only after a real look at yesterday.”
    "You should refrain from making a narrative story sound like another example of
    intellectual worldly thinking has fragmented the spiritual concept, so intended to be."
    "Choose wisely in attempting to perceive or analyze a subject of a spiritual nature, which often leads
    to further illusions and worldly imagination."
    “No one can express love and self-pity at the same moment."
    "Let us hope spiritual unveiling of truth shall be susceptible to lost souls."
    "Any attempt to explain anything conclusively, from words of many, shall be considered virtually impossible. And, attempting to do so, most likely the cause of continued confusion. And, being spiritually
    disconnected from the word of God, speculation and imagination is rampant."
    "Self-inflicted problems are a realistic reality... that being true for those that claim honesty."
    'Inspiration for today should be taken very serious. The adversary being the master of many, and
    spiritual darkness, being in the worldly realm of things.'
    “Don’t wait till you’re depressed to practice gratitude.”
    "Let us be reminded, we can only help ourselves, when we become willing to change the things
    we should change, to better live our life according to God's 'principles' of life, here in the now."
    "Unable to arrive at a fundamental perspective of the Divine words, you may be out of your element of
    acquiring spiritual maturity. As worldly thinking makes spiritual 'awareness' ...not to be."
    "Often, God places before us, those that are confused and bewildered by untold 'worldly thinking'...thereby leaving lost souls in an endless 'darkness'. Let us be ever mindful, it is a clear, unequivocal, unavoidable command of God, depicting the importance of bringing lost souls out of 'worldly darkness' into the 'light' of spiritual 'enlightenment'. Accountability shall be upon each individual...believe it!"
    "Let us be focused, alert and aware that what you see is not what is meant."
    ~Spiritually Inspired~
    "Comes a time when words are meaningless, unless they are acted upon with a positive and
    meaningful attitude and behavior. Too often, being self-centered...the substance of the objective
    becomes distorted to the point of utter confusion, leaving a soul in spiritual darkness. Ego shall always
    be a path of imaginary and delusional 'thinking'. Thus comes a false contention of proclaiming God.
    Ego, a harmful attribute."
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