Recent content by JimmyM

  1. J

    Do you observe the Sabbath?

    Some have argued in this forum if you’re gonna support keeping the Sabbath we’ve got to stone all lawbreakers or at least those under the old covenant where stoning to death was the immediate punishment. I don’t think they have thoroughly thought through what they are saying. Hebrews 10 28...
  2. J

    Do you observe the Sabbath?

    I have something else to add to this discussion. Let me bring something to your attention. Let’s look at a couple of scriptures in Romans 14, I think adds to the Sabbath controversy which by the way was non-existent in the first century. What appears to happen here in the way of mistranslation...
  3. J

    Do you observe the Sabbath?

    Let me add to what you said “People have made this rule (Jesus is the end of the law) so strong they don't even see that it isn't in the bible..” I believe you are correct. The reference, ‘Jesus is the end of the Law’ is found in Romans 10:4 however the English term that was used ‘end’ actually...
  4. J

    Do you observe the Sabbath?

    You said ‘True faith results in producing works (James 2:14-18) and faith works by love. (Galatians 5:6)’ We’ll here is a look at Abrahams faith as he ‘loved‘ God long before Mount Sinai. Genesis 26:5 this is God sharing with Issac concerning Abraham. 5. because Abraham obeyed Me and...
  5. J

    Observing the sabbath???

    I can’t seem to find in the NT, any of the following is spoken against. But it is in the Old Testament in Leviticus and Deuteronomy. Horoscopes, tarot cards, astrology, fortune tellers, palm readings, and séances. Am I to believe as you teach that the law has been done away, that under the New...
  6. J

    Observing the sabbath???

    When I read Acts 24:14, I don’t get the impression that Paul believes the Law of God has been done away with. He is standing in front of Governor Felix at Caesarea on his way to Rome, and this is several years after he wrote to the Galatians. What I get from this passage, is when Paul was given...
  7. J

    Observing the sabbath???

    I stand corrected. What I meant to offer before the Jerusalem encounter was Galatians 2:4 and 2:11. My thoughts had drifted to the original concern Paul had in Antioch when certain men supposedly sent from James were spying out their table fellowship. Until they arrived both Peter and Barnabus...
  8. J

    Observing the sabbath???

    **************************** Looking at Acts 15, I have to ask what was the purpose of convening a council at Jerusalem. It wasn’t because the folks at Antioch were obeying the commandments of Moses. This all too often gets lumped into any discussion of Law pointing to Moses. We’ve interpreted...
  9. J

    Observing the sabbath???

    Yes, they were Jewish and yes they were guided by not only the teachings of Moses, but guided by the truth from the time of Genesis to Malachi as to God’s expectations on how a righteous man lives. God expects a righteous man to be lawful. Not lawless. Law is not a bad thing until one begins to...
  10. J

    Observing the sabbath???

    It is interesting that when we read this verse, we immediately apply it to a Saturday versus Sunday controversy. Which was non-existent in the first century. What created controversy were those of the Pharisees who were called Judaizers. And Jesus and Paul continually had to deal with the...
  11. J

    Observing the sabbath???

    Have you not read Luke 1:6 Speaking of Zechariah and Elizabeth? John the Baptizers mom and dad? ‘And they were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless.’ This is before the initiation of the New Covenant. What’s your thoughts?
  12. J

    Separating the Clean from UnClean Food!

    What needs to be considered when reading passages from Mark 7 and Romans 14 is not what you read in English but what was actually being said in the Greek. We can see this clearly in Acts 10, where most Christians have been taught that the dietary restrictions given to Israel no longer are...