Reactions received by Kavik

  • CharliRenee
    CharliRenee reacted Informative to Kavik's post in the thread A burning to know....
    The RC Church, and more so, the Eastern Orthodox, and Oriental Orthodox (Coptic, Syrian, Ethiopian) churches (as well as some Protestant...
  • JamOn
    JamOn reacted Like to Kavik's post in the thread The Number 40.
    There really isn't - I'm not saying it couldn't be a literal count, though personally I'd be more comfortable with a literal count if...
  • Why “Tongues” Are Not Language Part 1 - A question frequently asked by tongues-speakers is “How do you know (modern) “tongues” are...
  • Part 2 What do I mean by this? In T-speech, if one were to record a sample and play it to several people who ‘interpret tongues’...
  • reacted Like to Kavik's post in the thread Hebrew the first language?.
    Others have beaten me to it - Hebrew, like its sister languages, derived from Proto-Semitic, which in turn developed from...
  • SoulWeaver
    We can go back quite a ways with language. Hebrew is Semitic, but the Semitic languages come from Proto-Semitic, just one break off from...
  • G
    garee reacted Like to Kavik's post in the thread Hebrew the first language?.
    We can go back quite a ways with language. Hebrew is Semitic, but the Semitic languages come from Proto-Semitic, just one break off from...
  • posthuman
    We can go back quite a ways with language. Hebrew is Semitic, but the Semitic languages come from Proto-Semitic, just one break off from...
  • D
    Others have beaten me to it - Hebrew, like its sister languages, derived from Proto-Semitic, which in turn developed from...
  • Dino246
    Dino246 reacted Like to Kavik's post in the thread Bibles Bibles Bibles.
    Yep. The word "bible" has come to be used as a general descriptive term for any book that is intended to be a "complete" guide to...
  • reacted Like to Kavik's post in the thread Halloween....
    First – unless you live in certain parts of the UK, Ireland, or North America, I’m not entirely sure why you’d even be celebrating...
  • TLC209
    TLC209 reacted Disagree to Kavik's post in the thread CHRISTMAS.
    You’re not going to be able to ‘proof’ it via the Bible; both birth narratives state Bethlehem, but they kind of have to when you think...
  • TLC209
    TLC209 reacted Disagree to Kavik's post in the thread CHRISTMAS.
    Yes, exactly; which is why both accounts had to have the birth occur there. Luke does it by using the literary devise of the census (I...
  • reacted Like to Kavik's post in the thread CHRISTMAS.
    Yes, exactly; which is why both accounts had to have the birth occur there. Luke does it by using the literary devise of the census (I...
  • posthuman
    posthuman reacted Informative to Kavik's post in the thread CHRISTMAS.
    To add on the Magi - history has chosen to honor three, but the actual number is unknown (although it was more than two), and the names...
  • reacted Like to Kavik's post in the thread CHRISTMAS.
    To add on the Magi - history has chosen to honor three, but the actual number is unknown (although it was more than two), and the names...
  • NOV25
    Well, there may indeed by a heavenly language, but it’s most certainly not modern T-speech. There’s just absolutely nothing about it...
  • Y
    At the risk of sounding like a broken record...... Part 1 - There is nothing mysterious about Biblical "tongues" – when referring to...
  • Y
    Part 2 – The plain fact however, is that the “tongues” Pentecostal and Charismatic Christians are producing today is an entirely...
  • Y
    Great analogy - yes, in many examples I've heard, its very obvious the speaker is making a conscious effort in making it up as they go...