Reactions received by Lanolin

  • reacted Like to Lanolin's post in the thread Your dream home.
    Have you read...the Little House on the Prairie books? laura Ingalls Wilder lived in several that her dad built, one memorable one her...
  • Deade
    Deade reacted Like to Lanolin's post in the thread Your dream home.
    I heard of that but it would be mega expensive! I know a couple who sold up and living on a yacht where they are berthed somewhere in...
  • Deade
    Deade reacted Like to Lanolin's post in the thread Your dream home.
    You need to be vertically challenged to live in one of those, or not grown up yet lol. It would get annoying having to duck all the...
  • Deade
    Deade reacted Like to Lanolin's post in the thread Your dream home.
    Have you read...the Little House on the Prairie books? laura Ingalls Wilder lived in several that her dad built, one memorable one her...
  • seoulsearch
    seoulsearch reacted Like to Lanolin's post in the thread Your dream home.
    love it. Keep them coming. well my dream home is going to be bult in dribs and drabs its not going to be a kitset job. But I have...
  • MultilingualMessenger
    yea but they arent finding much because rubies are very hard to find. And also very expensive. Who can afford them? The most expensive...
  • seoulsearch
    seoulsearch reacted Like to Lanolin's post in the thread Your dream home.
    How about a little gypsy caravan or tiny home on wheels...? Or shepherds hut. I spent a couple of months wwoofing and that was fun to...
  • seoulsearch
    seoulsearch reacted Like to Lanolin's post in the thread Your dream home.
    yep its a true story that got written into a series of books for children, which were published last century. It was also made into a tv...
  • seoulsearch
    seoulsearch reacted Like to Lanolin's post in the thread Your dream home.
    Have you read...the Little House on the Prairie books? laura Ingalls Wilder lived in several that her dad built, one memorable one her...
  • BlackLily
    BlackLily reacted Like to Lanolin's post in the thread How to trust?.
    this is the best verse
  • seoulsearch
    seoulsearch reacted Like to Lanolin's post in the thread Your dream home.
    favourite little house character, well almanzo, for a boy I was astonished at reading how hard he worked on the farm and no wonder by...
  • BlackLily
    BlackLily reacted Like to Lanolin's post in the thread How to trust?.
    God is not a man that He can lie. I learned that men...can lie! lol so who are you putting your trust in? who is your faith in. If its...
  • seoulsearch
    seoulsearch reacted Like to Lanolin's post in the thread Favourite hangouts.
    aside from CC, where is your favourite place to hangout? if there wasnt a virus where would you go to meet people? some places where...
  • seoulsearch
    seoulsearch reacted Like to Lanolin's post in the thread Favourite hangouts.
    I was thinking literary salon, like Parisians used to have, or do they still have, where writers talk about books and artists nibble...
  • reacted Like to Lanolin's post in the thread Your dream home.
    love it. Keep them coming. well my dream home is going to be bult in dribs and drabs its not going to be a kitset job. But I have...
  • Didymous
    Didymous reacted Like to Lanolin's post in the thread Tennis.
    oh man you are going to beat me as Im only right handed. I propose that you play only with your left hand to make it fair.
  • reacted Like to Lanolin's post in the thread Your dream home.
    yep but be aware that they took a few dramatic licence with the books... I havent seen the whole series but if this lockdown carries on...
  • O
    oldethennew reacted Like to Lanolin's post in the thread What's For Dinner?.
    Salmon, cabbage and rice. Mum wasnt too happy with the salmon not being fresh but we cant be too fussy. Im hoping for a fresh seafood...
  • Didymous
    Didymous reacted Like to Lanolin's post in the thread Tennis.
    How not to play tennis lol
  • Pipp
    That we are all gonna die? I suppose having faith depends on whether you go up or down.