Reactions received by Lynx

  • seoulsearch
    seoulsearch reacted Winner to Lynx's post in the thread Do you have?....
    See this was what we used before we had Google and bible apps. If you couldn't find that verse you were looking for, you either waited...
  • Tall_Timbers
    Tall_Timbers reacted Like to Lynx's post in the thread Do you have?....
    A concordance is a really big book that lists every word in the Bible and every place that word is found. If you wanted to find a...
  • Tall_Timbers
    Tall_Timbers reacted Like to Lynx's post in the thread Do you have?....
    Nope. It's just about finding a verse when you don't know exactly where it is. I know there's a verse somewhere that talks about...
  • Tall_Timbers
    Tall_Timbers reacted Like to Lynx's post in the thread Do you have?....
    See this was what we used before we had Google and bible apps. If you couldn't find that verse you were looking for, you either waited...
  • R
    To my darling (fictional, for now) bride to be: You can wear makeup or not. You can dye your hair or not. You can wear perfume or not...
  • P
    It has been a while since we had one of these threads. If you were about to get married, what would your fiance(e) need to know? Any...
  • P
    To my darling (fictional, for now) bride to be: You can wear makeup or not. You can dye your hair or not. You can wear perfume or not...
  • P
    Try that on a bluetooth keyboard connected to a phone. I took french in high school when everyone else was taking spanish, but there...
  • vassal
    vassal reacted Funny to Lynx's post in the thread Do you have?....
    They call it that because it's heavy. If you try to lug it around you will get tired real fast.
  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Happy to Lynx's post in the thread Do you have?....
    Actually this really happened and I really looked it up... And I was getting two different verses in two VERY different books confused...
  • MsMediator
    To my darling (fictional, for now) bride to be: You can wear makeup or not. You can dye your hair or not. You can wear perfume or not...
  • Ballaurena
    Ballaurena reacted Like to Lynx's post in the thread Do you have?....
    A concordance is a really big book that lists every word in the Bible and every place that word is found. If you wanted to find a...
  • G
    gb9 reacted Like to Lynx's post in the thread Are you....
    Actually... Although I know a very few people who think they are better Christians than they are, I know a LOT of people who are much...
  • JaumeJ
    JaumeJ reacted Friendly to Lynx's post in the thread Are you....
    Is it better or worse than digging up a whole forum front page full of threads from 2009? :P I just wish he'd give some answers to his...
  • hornetguy
    hornetguy reacted Funny to Lynx's post in the thread Are you....
    Is it better or worse than digging up a whole forum front page full of threads from 2009? :P I just wish he'd give some answers to his...
  • Kireina
    To my darling (fictional, for now) bride to be: You can wear makeup or not. You can dye your hair or not. You can wear perfume or not...
  • Eli1
    Eli1 reacted Like to Lynx's post in the thread Are you....
    Is it better or worse than digging up a whole forum front page full of threads from 2009? :P I just wish he'd give some answers to his...
  • Zandar
    Y'know there are still some Linux users who think we are pulling their legs about some of the things Windows does. "That HAS to be a...
  • Ballaurena
    Howdy and welcome to the forum. Me, I'm happy being single. I'm 46 and I've never so much as been on a date before. I just never have...
  • Eli1
    Eli1 reacted Agree to Lynx's post in the thread Are you....
    The things that are said on an internet forum only affect you as much as you let them. Nobody here has any real power over you at all...