Recent content by MyrtleTrees

  1. MyrtleTrees

    Salvation, How do I find it?

    Right! Salvation isn't given to anyone half-heartedly seeking it - it is given to those who seek God with their whole heart! Willing to pay the price - it's well worth it! Luke 14:27-28 27 And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple. 28 For which of...
  2. MyrtleTrees

    Has anyone here overcome food allergies by regularly eating fermented foods?

    Hi! I eat a teacupful of home-made kefir with meals, now. Eating fermented foods like this helped relieve my ragweed allergy symptoms this year. Now, I think the kefir is helping me somewhat as a laxative. I'm curious to know if eating kefir or other fermented foods has been known by...
  3. MyrtleTrees

    I remedy myself with eating fermented foods. Does anyone know how to make Kefir from scratch?

    Hi! Does anyone here know how to make Kefir from scratch? I'd rather not buy it from the store - I prefer making things myself, as it's cheaper. I mean - to also know how to make what is called "kefir grains." Kefir making was first used in China, I've read. Thanks!
  4. MyrtleTrees

    Help for cavities and tooth sensitivity.

    Hi! That's fascinating! I have a relative who said her family brushes their teeth in a similar way. I also have a way to brush my teeth that keeps me from having to go to a dentist, and I'm glad! It wouldn't work for anyone with metal fillings though, as it might corrode them. I...
  5. MyrtleTrees


    Hi! I don't go to the dentist any more. I figured out how to keep my teeth clean enough so that they don't get decay. I figured it out in 2020. I haven't been to a dentist since then and I'm glad I don't have to go to the dentist any more!
  6. MyrtleTrees


  7. MyrtleTrees

    Unsweetened baker's cocoa powder - digestive aid

    Hi! Yes, so I see you realize it doesn't help everyone with candida to abstain from gluten (though it helps some people). That's how it is with me. I also recently read online about a lady who had Candida, remedied it eventually through a natural health doctor that recommended to her to...
  8. MyrtleTrees

    Unsweetened baker's cocoa powder - digestive aid

    Thanks, but in my case, I've found that abstaining from grains does no good. It may help some people, but not me. I have digestive difficulties no matter what I eat. All food seems to bother me equally. But I'm glad I've been able to find natural foods I use as remedies that do give...
  9. MyrtleTrees

    What is the difference between Evangelicals and Protestants?

    I agree. There are many professing Christians who aren't willing to accept the scriptures as being 100% correct. There are worldly Christians too, who have some sincerity in following God - but whose lives need to be purged completely from sin, through repenting, and turning away from...
  10. MyrtleTrees

    Unsweetened baker's cocoa powder - digestive aid

    I went with cocoa, because other natural remedies I was using, had stopped working that well. New remedies I try, sometimes work a while, but then stop working or don't work as well as at first. The cocoa is presently working better than other things I've tried - for preventing and...
  11. MyrtleTrees

    What is the difference between Evangelicals and Protestants?

    Yes, time to pray and pray hard for spiritual revival to take place throughout the world - it sure needs it!
  12. MyrtleTrees

    I live in Traverse City, Michigan, USA.

    I live in Traverse City, Michigan, USA.
  13. MyrtleTrees

    I am 65 (8 29 '58) and love the Lord! I got saved around age 30. I and my husband are...

    I am 65 (8 29 '58) and love the Lord! I got saved around age 30. I and my husband are grandparents now, and we spend much time watching over our 2 grandchildren. I enjoy children! I teach them regularly about God and the Bible and spiritual truths they need to know. I have several...
  14. MyrtleTrees

    Hello all from the UK

    Hello, and how are you? I love God, and I live in Traverse City, Michigan, USA. I'll also mention I have a hobby of trying to figure out our Holbrook surname genealogy more. We already know our first ancestor to the USA, from Sommerset, England, is Thomas Holbrook and his wife, Jane...