Reactions received by NetChaplain

  • JaumeJ
    JaumeJ reacted Like to NetChaplain's post in the thread “The Lost”.
    In Scripture the term “lost” when pertaining to people is always used for those who will be saved (Mat 10:6; 15:24; Mat 18:11; Luk...
  • JaumeJ
    JaumeJ reacted Like to NetChaplain's post in the thread “This Old Man”.
    There are times when the believer feels something is wrong; and it seems often related to possibly doing something wrong, but we can’t...
  • Tall_Timbers
    The "old man' still indwells the believer for the same reason it was there in the first place--to draw us to God and trust in His Son's...
  • tourist
    tourist reacted Like to NetChaplain's post in the thread Open Wide!.
    To us heaven is open, and faith can say, “We see Jesus” (Heb 2:9). Of old God dwelt in the midst of His people in the sanctuary, but the...
  • K
    Keris reacted Like to NetChaplain's post in the thread Prayerful Dependence.
    While Martha was cumbered about much serving (Luk 10:40), and her love, most true in its way, went forth in actively providing for the...
  • tourist
    tourist reacted Like to NetChaplain's post in the thread Heart to Heart.
    It is continually encouraging to know (esp. the more we see the “old man” at work in us) that God knows our most important desire is to...
  • Eli1
    Eli1 reacted Like to NetChaplain's post in the thread Omniscient Planner.
    It’s not like when Adam and Eve sinned God had to go to a plan B. Was it not part of His plan? Isn’t He omniscient and knew what they...
  • Blain
    Blain reacted Like to NetChaplain's post in the thread Omniscient Planner.
    It’s not like when Adam and Eve sinned God had to go to a plan B. Was it not part of His plan? Isn’t He omniscient and knew what they...
  • R
    rrcn reacted Like to NetChaplain's post in the thread One of a Kind.
    Wanted to inform everyone that in order to extend the use of the articles I share, I will be sending them biweekly, as the source is...
  • HealthAndHappiness
    The crux of Hebrews 10:10 is the doctrine of eternal security! Hence there is only one type of salvation—eternal salvation (Heb 5:9)...
  • Eli1
    Eli1 reacted Like to NetChaplain's post in the thread Faith Is A Constant.
    One can truly believe there is a God, but lack the desire to believe in Him. Romans-One teaches that one can believe about God, that He...
  • Cameron143
    One can truly believe there is a God, but lack the desire to believe in Him. Romans-One teaches that one can believe about God, that He...
  • tourist
    tourist reacted Like to NetChaplain's post in the thread Holding Out.
    No matter the size of the trial it’s always the same issue—waiting it out, so we can continue to grow in our trust and faith in God...
  • G
    It is only in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ that we have truth fully brought out. I will learn truth through the Holy Spirit, and...
  • Cameron143
    “He shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers” (Rev 2:27). Albert Barnes: “There...
  • Snackersmom
    Hi, and appreciate your reply! Of course it was not God's plan for the Jew to continue in the OT ways, for the New Covenant in Christ is...
  • HeIsHere
    HeIsHere reacted Like to NetChaplain's post in the thread No Doubt.
    Not a cloud of guilt, nor any evil power of control remains for the believer in the Lord Jesus! The "old man," at rebirth, has lost both...
  • HeIsHere
    HeIsHere reacted Like to NetChaplain's post in the thread No Doubt.
    Hi, and thanks for the reply! What you say is true, but one reborn will never let Satan to overcome him, because of God's "work" in the...
  • tourist
    tourist reacted Like to NetChaplain's post in the thread No Doubt.
    Not a cloud of guilt, nor any evil power of control remains for the believer in the Lord Jesus! The "old man," at rebirth, has lost both...
  • JaumeJ
    Our Father would have us to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2Pe 3:18). He lovingly carries this...