Recent content by PaintMySpiritGold

  1. PaintMySpiritGold

    Is it Really That Hard

    Awhile ago, I watched an atheist youtuber and commented something like "this youtuber has good points that makes me question my faith" and it started this huge argument in the comments between christians and atheists(that's still going on like 2 months later)... it's just like.. how long can...
  2. PaintMySpiritGold


    Yesterday was the start of Lent, and I went to church and got ashes. I decided to give up all non-christian music. So far, it's been hard. It's only day two and I'm already going crazy missing my favorite bands. But every time I want to listen to music and realize I can't, it makes me think...
  3. PaintMySpiritGold


    I prayed for a whole hour yesterday, and where were You? I poured my heart and soul out to You. I could have died. I begged for answers, I begged for anything. But what did I get? A cold, hard, Nothing. I'm so desperate... I don't want to go through this again. I just want the pain to be over...
  4. PaintMySpiritGold

    Oh God, I'm So Scared

    It's going to be okay. Tomorrow everything will be okay. Stop crying. Oh God, but I can't Because I'm so scared So scared that I'm shaking Please come help her Help her and help me Please God, let her wake up tomorrow Please God, don't let her do anything bad Please God, be with her tonight...
  5. PaintMySpiritGold

    Let The Water Lead Us Home

    I went hiking today Sat on the edge of a cliff overlooking a lake Met a young woman named Sophie She had a letter in her hand I asked her to come sit with me We talked for what seemed like hours She told me about her lover who had passed And how she'd like to join him Going home, home to his...
  6. PaintMySpiritGold

    There Is No God?

    In my blog post from a few days ago, I said that I was going to take a break from believing in God. So I did that. Well, at least I tried... Things were going okay. I was just going about my day, doing all the things that non-believers do, which is pretty much the same things everybody does...
  7. PaintMySpiritGold

    How Many Nights Do You Lie Dreaming?

    Every night I lie dreaming Lucid sights of what could be The sun shone down gleaming Rays of golden glory poured down on me I wondered where this came from This burning, aching desire My heart was once numb Now it’s dancing like flames of a fire The magnificent scene that surrounds me Is...
  8. PaintMySpiritGold

    Taking A Break From God.

    Entertaining the idea that there is no god. Just typing the words "there is no god" scares the hell out of me. I had to pause for a minute before I could finish that sentence. But I've been wondering how my life would be different if I didn't believe in God. I mean, I've believed the entire 21...
  9. PaintMySpiritGold

    The Day I Learn to Fly I'm Never Coming Down

    When I was little, I had a dream that changed my life. By dream, I mean those night time dreams you have when you are sleeping. Yes, a simple, innocent childhood dream changed my life. In this dream, I was standing outside on my driveway. It was a bright sunny day. This lady appeared on my...
  10. PaintMySpiritGold

    Ungodly Hour

    "tame the ghosts in my head that run wild and wish me dead" thinking, thinking can't stop thinking memories and thoughts about the past that time in the park when my blood stained the concrete that time my heart almost stopped beating that time my mom had the cord around her neck that time my...
  11. PaintMySpiritGold

    Living Just to Be Alive - My Own Personal Hell

    What It's Like (For People Who Don't Understand) I have Migraine-Associated Vertigo(or MAV). Or at least that’s the diagnosis for the moment. Thankfully, I don’t actually get headaches(some people with MAV don’t). The vertigo is the problem. What does it feel like? You know that game you...
  12. PaintMySpiritGold

    Why do you believe in God?

    When did you first accept Jesus and declare yourself a Christian and what led you to that decision? Why do you believe in God? Just curious to hear your thoughts :)
  13. PaintMySpiritGold

    There Is No Sweeter Innocence Than Our Gentle Sin

    "There is no sweeter innocence than our gentle sin In the madness and soil of that sad earthly scene Only then I am human Only then I am clean" Some say that homosexuality is an illness That can be cured with religion "Jesus will set you free" Really?!? To love is not a sin. You really...
  14. PaintMySpiritGold

    My Story.

    "I was born sick, but I love it, command me to be well" my super depressing, non-spiritual story: *holycrapwhyisitsohotinhereIamsweating* My name is Laura(sometimes called El) and I was born in January 1993. I had a pretty normal childhood. I think I was a pretty happy kid. I had no traumatic...
  15. PaintMySpiritGold

    There Is No Sweeter Innocence Than Our Gentle Sin

    blah blah draft