Recent content by PetriFB

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    The Jewish-Hebrew Bible proves Jesus is the Messiah

    The Jewish-Hebrew Bible proves Jesus is the Messiah.
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    Mary is not the mother of God

    Mary is not the mother of God.
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    My question to rabbi Tuly

    Rabbi Naphtali “Tuly” Weisz has founded Israel365 as purpose to connect Christians with the Land and the People of Israel. Tuly is also the editor of The Israel Bible and publisher of Breaking Israel News. Rabbi Tuly has said that he loves and appreciate to discuss with people. Therefore, I send...
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    Rabbi vs. Bible Jerusalem Temple location

    By studying the Bible, we come to realize that it was the Romans' Antonia Fortress, which was located at the top of the Temple Mount, and the Temple in Jerusalem was situated lower on the side of the mountain.
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    The true location of the Temple in Jerusalem The tradition teaches that the Temple in Jerusalem was located at the top of the Temple Mount and that the Romans' Antonia Fortress was only a small addition next to the Temple. By studying the Bible and the texts of...
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    The Futile News versus the True Good News of the Bible

    I've been following media for a long time and I have come to the conclusion that especially reporters with an atheistic worldview (not all) often write news having to do with the Bible, giving a false idea of the Bible as if it would condone all kinds of perversions and wrongdoings. The...
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    The Turin Shroud is lie and deception

    When Jesus had risen from the dead, His burial clothes (othonion, plural) were found in the grave, as well as the face-cloth (a napkin) for covering His face. The number of clothes in Jesus' grave was not one (sindon- Turin Shroud), but there were clothes there (othonion, plural), which was the...
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    The deceived and the deceiver

    The deceived and the deceiver! Why should we address these matters and write about them? The Lord Jesus told us to beware of deceivers and false prophets in the last days. That is why we, too, must address these matters and write about them, while keeping in mind that we need to address the...
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    Loving goodness of God's grace

    Different faith communities, denominations and churches teach various ways about the grace of God. Some of the teachings are Biblical and some quite unbiblical. Grace of God is one of the most essential teachings of the Bible and therefore it is important to understand what the Bible teaches...
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    God's good care of us

    Many believers ask why God does not help them, and why everything always goes wrong. "Does not God love me?" They ask. When we read the Bible and delve into the different stages of the people of Israel in God's history of salvation during the Old Covenant, we can see the reason for and...
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    False righteousness in the last days part 2

    The Lord Jesus said that in the Last Days, false prophets will rise to deceive - if possible - the very elect. We are living in dangerous times, and if we refuse to test and examine the foundations of our faith through Bible truth, we are running a great risk of being entangled in treacherous...
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    False righteousness in the last days

    At the moment, too many believers are deep in their slumber and they do not really care what the Bible actually teaches, but they stubbornly hold on to traditions or false teachings which are based on lies. The Bible has a serious message about the apostasy in the church in the last days before...
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    Analyze why Trump won the election and Hillary lost

    I followed on the Media, for several months America's presidential election campaign and things that were related to it. If I would be American, so I wouldn't vote neither Trump or Clinton, because they both have done things that are against my moral values. I wrote about my observations why...
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    Jesus hates the works of the Nicolaitans

    God, let John the Apostle see the revelation of the Lord Jesus; the revelation is written in the Book of Revelation in the Bible. In the revelation, Lord Jesus addresses the Nicolaitans, among others, and Nicolaitans' works - which He hates. In the Book of Revelation, we can read what were the...
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    Kenosis doctrine is heresy

    The kenosis (kenotic) heresy leads people to the same trap which took place in Paradise when satan lied to Eve and Adam. The evil satan tempted them to commit sin, promising them that if she would eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, they would know good and evil like God. Adam and...