hi robo...
how about cups, mousemats, placemats, with cc logo. discount for people who have supported. great as a gift... and let people print their uploaded avatar on it and name ;)
Hey! I can't get into the chat rooms. Why is that?
I was wandering if I had done something to get band are has somebody messed up my computer. Once before some one took some kinda program out and I could not get on.
hi how can i change my username
for some reason I try'd getting into chatrooms and it said access denide, you can check I didn't do nothing wrong ?
Hi there Alex1987.. sorry I have no control over what Steve Jobs decided or what the new Apple CEO decides regarding availability of Flash on the iPhone. :)
Hi Mr. Robo! :D Hope everything is well with you and your family! We're in the process of moving and we don't have internet at the new house... yet. (lol) Anyways, I'm very rarely online anymore so just thought I'd check in :) Love ya, bro! God bless you and yours! -Scotty
Hey robo op do you think there is way. To have flash player on the iPhone to use the chat
and ugly is doin the same thing too.
brother rainacorn is in the lounge right now putting jesusfreak and myself down and she needs to stop so please come in the lounge and take care of this.thanks man.
Herr: send me mail (private message in the forum) for special requests
Hey, can I change my name on here? People keep saying how they can't pronounce it, and its hard to have a conversation when people call me, They guy with the long complicated name . . .
Hey there, just wanted to say thank u for making all those changes for me and for all that u do to make this the wonderful chat site that it is...:)...and yes, I guess I am able after all Huh?...:D
Have a Blessed day