hi i am bebo i am male from egypt i want to be afriend with u
i love jesus from all heart (hope to accept) jesus with u
my real name peter
Start a thread 'ey?......*twirls moustache*......hmmmm that would require me to think of what it should be......there's the problem....I don't think :p :p
uhmmmm are ya supposed to spray spit as ya say it?? lol
Nord LICKED....? Hmmm, no, missy... no... The problem is that you don't have the german "ch-sound" in your language... Try to hiss like a snake and then open your mouth a little try to transfer the sound in your mouht from the front to the middle above your tounge...
Yes, I like these pictures very much... They are from a christian-allegory-fantasy-tale-for-children-AND-adults-who-are-no-nerds-but-just-like-to-enjoy-a-good-story-story... Veeery good stuff... Olaf Franke invented the story and drew the pictures.